His name was Jesse Thorsen. Has the Army disciplined him? Are they just letting the matter drop? Is it unusual that no official action would be taken in the eleven months since then?
Promotions of a specialist to a corporal can happen in a variety of ways. They are both E-4’s, but a corporal is a non-commissioned officer while a specialist is not.
A person promoted to corporal by his local commander in accordance with AR 614-200 may have that promotion announced only by internal, informal memorandum. If the soldier is later transferred to another E-4 billet that is not an authorized, documented NCO position in the CPMOS, the soldier is still entitled to the CPL grade.
But since DA (or ARCOM, since he’s Reserve) still thinks the soldier is an SPC, the soldier would have to provide that informal memo to verify his authority to wear the stripes.
It can come by your commander’s authority. It can go – that is, a lateral appointment from CPL to SPC – for “disciplinary action taken under Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) (10 USC 815) that adversely affects the ability to perform duties as a NCO,” or “demonstrated substandard performance of technical or supervisory duties.” (Quoting AR 614-200 3-14(2)).