“Fighting Ignorance Since 1976” Cecil, that is your tagline isn’t it?
Does it irk you when a celebrity, say a movie star, decides to be a spokesperson for something they know absolutely nothing about like science, and despite their lack of knowledge they act as if they are the expert simply because they are a celebrity and that somehow makes them smarter than everyone else? The same goes for all backgrounds and careers, its nit jus the celebrities who shouldn’t speak like they are experts on something they know little to nothing about but also politicians and even the traditional “smarties” like scientists. Just as rock stars should not pretend to be experts on politics and a politician should not pretend to be an expert on climatology a traditional scientist (i.e. physicists, chemists, etc. ) regardless of their area of expertise should not pretend they are an expert on politics or economics.
Stick with answering the technical questions because you clearly are of below intelligence in the area of politics.