About the movie "The God Father"

The God Father…

first,second,third…which one do u like best?why?

in my opinion,i like the third one…Michael is old…and wanna turn his stuff to vincent…
and i like Italian place…Sicily…the acient architecture and the music…and people with passionate…of cos as while as the religion…Vatican…though i dont follow religions…i like the holiness of that place…and the cathedral of St.Paul…
and …Al pacino’s performance is a good job…
"vincent"and “michael’s daughter” are charming…
and the opera…

I think that the first two Godfather films, taken as a whole, are one of the greatest achievements in American filmaking, especially if you can see them with all the deleted footage.

I think that Godfather III was a great movie in its own right, but a huge step down.

For one thing, I just couldn’t buy Al Pacino as the older Michael Corleone, as much as I had to criticize one of my favorite actors. In the first two, Michael was very self-contained, brooding, introverted. In III, he has turned into this jovial, over the top fellow. Could he have mellowed with age? I just don’t see how. After the GF II, I would imagine him becoming harder, colder, and more aloof. It just seemed like a totally different character.

The loss of Tom Hagen was a devastating blow. He was Michael’s moral compass (albeit, a very ineffectual one). By GF III, the supporting cast had been whittled so far down that it just wasn’t interesting enough for Michael to interact with. I thought that Kay’s presence in the third movie was shrill and distracting. They could have saved the money by not rehiring Keaton and hiring Robert Duvall instead.

I think the decision to take it all back to Sicily was interesting but not the best one. My impression of the series is that in the first two movies we saw the Corleone family becoming more Americanized, with the Sicilian scenes an interesting backdrop and comparison showing wherre they had come from. The decision to go completely Old World in the third movie wias a little jarring for me.

I thought Andy Garcia was excellent. Criticizing Sofia Coppola is really like shooting fish in a barrel, but I will anyway…she just brought an awkward, gawky quality to every scene she was in that was a huge distraction.

Still, a great movie, but IMHO, nowhere near the first two.

I think the first film is the better film. Al Pacino gives one of the best performances by a film actor ever. The downfall of Michael is perfectly told. I also really love the second film, too. However I am not a big fan of the double story. I love each story on it own, but the cutting back and forth just doesn’t work for me. And why do we need a movie that is basically about the fall of Michael. That is what the first movie was about? Despite these “faults” it is still in my top ten.

The third film is terrible.

Switch the period and question mark in these two sentences.

GF II was the best followed by GF I. In GF II, the acting job by DiNiro as the young Vito character that had to take into consideration the Brando portrail of the older Vito was just terriffic. Also, the NYC, Little Italy scenes in GF II were like paintings. Just beautiful.

I agree with Silvio’s comments about Pacino in GFIII. He was horrible. Just think about Michael in I and II. In II he’s older and heavier looking like a middle aged Italian guy born in the 20’s. Then in III, when he should be 60 to 70 year old Italian guy, he’s wearing cool-guy, “blind man,” Hollywood sunglasses. I could not get over that look. He should have looked like Onasis by then.

The story was do-able but Pacino and his demeanor was a joke.