About those primaries, what about Guam, and electoral votes?

With the Democratic Primary season almost upon us, I’m a little confused as to how many votes each state gets. Is it identical to the number of electoral votes in the general election, or is it based on the number of registered Democrats in a state.

In other words, surely a state with a small Democratic population should get less votes at the convention than a state with a larger Democratic population, regardless of the total population of the state.

And another question is regarding places like Guam and American Samoa. Do they even get a vote in the ultimate election in November, and in any case, how many votes do they get anyway…

Guam, American Samoa, and other such places get no say in the November election.

As for the other part of your question, according to http://www.thisnation.com/question/021.html,
each state is “awarded a number of delegates to the national convention based on its share of the total Democratic popular vote and its share of the electoral vote in the three most recent presidential elections.”