Absurdist jokes

Awesome. Added to my list of “Things to do if I ever get a chance”.

My niece is a big fan of this one.

Enginerd: Ask me if I’m a tugboat.
Niece: OK, are you a tugboat?
E: Yep. Now ask me if I’m a helicopter.
N: OK. Are you a helicopter?
E: No silly, I’m a tugboat!

Oh yeah, she’s 3 years old. Should have mentioned that earlier.

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Question: If you have a bowling ball in one hand, and a ladder in the other, how many pancakes does it take to cover the roof of a doghouse?

Answer: None, because cats can’t ride bicycles.

My friend’s version involved getting the other girls in the bunk to chant






Then they went silent, just as their victim tried to join them in with a shouted moo!

This is not a joke.

What’s got six legs, and if it fell out of a tree, would kill you?

A pool table.

Later in the same session, roll out this one:

What did Tarzan say when he saw elephants coming over the hill?

Here come the eggplants! (He was colour-blind)

What’s white, with yellow and red checked trousers?

Rupert the Fridge

Absurdism is where characters and events are realistic but devoid of meaning or pointless, whereas may of the jokes up above are nonsense jokes assembled from random words. I don’t get how the OP’s joke is absurdist. If you find Waiting For Godot humorous then there’s your classic absurdist joke.

Here’s one that somebody posted in a similar thread about a year ago:

A man is at his doctor’s office because of some pain he’s been having. He waves his arm back and forth and says, “Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this.”

The doctor tells him, “you have bone cancer.”

I don’t get your joke.

Any absurdist will tell you the real punchline is the farther it goes, the much. I mean, really.

“What is a lemon wearing a cape?” Answer: “Super-lemon”.

(Later on) – “What is a tomato wearing a cape?”

(wait for the mark to answer: “Super-tomato”).

Answer: “No, silly. It is a tomato disguised as Super-lemon!”

My all-time favorite joke is:

Q: Ask me if I’m a duck.
A: Are you a duck?
Q: (incredulously) No!

Second favorite joke, and favorite elephant joke:

Q: Why are elephants big, grey, and wrinkled?
A: Because if they were small, white, and smooth, they’d be aspirin.

A horse walks into a bar, and the bartender asks, “Why the long face?”

Not able to speak or understand English, the horse is startled. It dashes towards the door and knocks over two tables on the way out.

A lot of these jokes are examples of “meta-jokes”, where the humor lies in the fact that the joke confounds the expectations people have about jokes (mainly, that they should end with a funny punch line). The OP’s joke is an example of this in that a random name is substituted for the name that would make the punch line funny.

You know what’s sad about a Mercedes full of German engineers exploding?

My dad was in that car.

Why a duck?