Aceite de Manzanilla and Efficascent Oil

Hi, I am living in the Philippines and I have always been wondering about two Oils that are being sold at Drugstores Nation wide, they are also available at Supermarkets and Gas Stations etc.
One is “EFFICASCENT OIL” (Methyl Salicylate, Camphor, Menthol) this one I know what it is.
But “ACEITE DE MANZANILLA” (Camomile Oil, White Oil) I dont’t know how it Works, It is against “Flatulence” and I use it frequently when I have Gas bloathing and the good thing is, that it Works, but how? How can this “Camomile Oil” influence the activity in my Guts and give me relief? They are applyed to the Skin and rubbed in by the way…
This two Oils are sold plentyfull and are very cheap, are they also sold in other Countrys?


Your “Efficascent Oil” is not sold in the U.S. as such; the ingredients are components of many analgesic creams such as Ben-Gay.

I actually don’t believe that “chamomile oil” does anything that rubbing your abdomen without it wouldn’t do. Maybe drinking chamomile tea, but rubbing it on yourself?