Aceplace57, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Be careful what you wish for.

Even if that were true, it’s just one addition to a posting record that marks aceplace57 as one of the biggest fucking mouth-breathing morons on this board. The guy is a walking testament to ignorance and stupidity.

While ralph124c represents the faux-inquisitive New England version of clueless idiocy on this message board, aceplace57 is the slack-jawed backwoods Arkansas representative. If all of the ill-considered, stupid, badly researched, and poorly articulated threads started by these two separated-at-birth brain donors were removed from the database, it would probably speed up board performance by about fifty percent.

I feel the same way. When I first took note of him, I remember thinking he seemed pretty cool, if a bit old-fashioned. Then, all of the sudden, everything he posted was outrageously bigoted and moronic. When I became aware of the new pattern, I actually felt disgusted with myself for ever thinking he was okay.

And that is my biggest problem with Aceplace57. It seems there is nothing he reads or watches that he does not thereupon start a thread about it. Often he casts these threads in the most extreme light (You could be arrested for taking a photo of Old Faithful this summer!) in order to get more bites from us billy goats.

Thank you, Guin, for bringing him to task for something so I could express this.

ETA: referencing mhendo’s post.

It’s lack of critical thinking skills. He sees some inflammatory headline, doesn’t really comprehend what he’s reading, makes the most ass backwards assumptions and then posts it. I know he wasn’t the one who started the thread about the black actress who’d been filmed walking down the street being cat called and summarily called her a pejorative in the title (like calling her a prostitute when that couldn’t be further from the truth), ignoring all the evidence to the contrary, but that’s exactly what he’s like.

Then when it’s pointed out that he’s a million miles off base from his supposition, he doubled down on the stupid. Refusing to really address the meat of the matter, like shown above, and instead focusing on whatever the voices in his head are telling him that doesn’t reflect reality one iota. And after he’s completely shit up a thread with his mixture of bigoted inanity, disappears and just starts another one with the same MO. It’s ridiculous.

I remember a thread in which he posted about the police “protecting” the Selma marchers. As if protection came to mean spraying them with firehoses and beating them with billy clubs.

How you can live in the South and not know this history is beyond me.

Are you retarded?

This isn’t just an “unpopular view”. An unpopular view would be something like chocolate is gross, or kittens are ugly. This is a guy who said that someone molesting his own sisters is just a horny kid who couldn’t help himself. That’s not an “unpopular” opinion. That’s just downright disturbing.

Not all “opinions” are worthy of being defended. Especially when they’re coming from a guy with turds for brains like ace.

A Relevant PSA.

It’s possible; I have not been tested in a while.

In large part I can agree with that, but there is always this idea in my head that all opinions should be allowed a voice.

On the other hand - this isn’t exactly the kind of thing I want go to the mat to defend. I don’t really find aceplace’s arguments compelling so far, and I don’t find the behavior defensible; I think it is disgusting and twisted - I probably should have just stayed out of this debate.

Then why are you trying to shut Guin’s opinion down? :confused:

Nothing to be confused about. Guin’s first sentence was

My first response was to say that perhaps Aceplace was not exceptionally out of line given that a lot of edgy subjects are discussed on the dope, and that he was not getting out of line in terms of the rules of the board. I absolutely do not agree with what he is saying though, and do not find the behavior defensible.

I have come to think though, that the posters in this thread have a point, which is some things are just so loathsome that far fetched defenses of them should just not even be explored.

His comments in that thread revealed he knew nothing about the subject yet kept writing about it. Worse, chiding those of who had our facts correct. It was bizarre.

There are no excuses for the fucking Duggars. For years they have held themselves up as America’s perfect family. They have unashamedly told us that they are good and we, unchristian, ungodly, unfertile and un-Duggar are bad. We are secular America, gay America, non-bible reading America and they are going to take over whether we like it or not.

Meanwhile they did nothing after their eldest son molested several of their daughters. When finally caught, they’ve offered us no apologies. Their son’s actions are presented as a minor transgression one that is supposed to be barely worthy of notice. We are told that he got no real counseling at all, not even the fundy variety. We have every reason to believe that his sisters weren’t given any help at all other than perhaps a lecture about how it is probably all their fault. They told us everything and I do mean everything (Michelle Duggar has practically conceived and given birth in public multiple times over the last few years) but they did not tell us this.

They’ve been all over the media in the last few years. I can barely read Facebook or pay for my groceries without seeing yet another mention of a Duggar j’slave somewhere. My twelve year old daughter knows who they are, for crissakes. I hope this is finally the nail in the coffin of the Duggar gravy train. I hope I never see Josh Duggar’s ugly mug grinning out at me somewhere while he lobbies to tell me how to live my life. I hope Michelle Duggar finally pays attention to her remaining children and promises to keep them far away from Chester the Molester. Most of all, I hope no media ever decides to present to us a family of nineteen kids with stupid, sexist beliefs as role models for us all.

Is it really what’s happening ? I figured the draw of the show was in the same vein as Duck Dynasty or Honey Booboo, Sister Wives or, hell, even the Osbournes back in the day (and on a different network), i.e. “lookit the freaks !”

Explains the touring company production of Hair. Nothing else does.

The media presentation has focused largely on presenting the Duggars as just a normal family with a lot of children. They have done almost nothing to inform the public about what the Duggars actually believe.

Scroll down here for a ten minute clip of the sort of coverage they have received over the years. No mention is made of their beliefs at all in that clip. No mention of the homophobia, sexism or Gothard. No mention of the quiverfull movement or the other aspects of their religion. It’s just look at the pretty white family with lots of kids and good, honest American family values. It’s been that way since I first saw them in that initial special. Most Americans know nothing about their belief system and the media has done much to keep it that way.

Jim Bob Duggar would never have agreed to do the show if it portrayed his family as a carnival side-show, and I suspect he’s heavily involved in the editing. They are very careful in presenting themselves as role models for godly, old-fashioned family values (retch).

I kind of thought the same thing about them, if I have the family correct. “Reality” TV people. These are the guys, right?

I didn’t know there was a conservative republican political tie-in, but with a family photo like that, I can believe it.

What the fuck is the pit for if not for shouting at people you disagree with? Jesus you’re fucking dumb.

Wasn’t this the guy who thought that MLK did things the right way by getting permits for his marches, so the cops couldn’t bother him? I remember telling some guy that MLK was actually arrested like 50 times and they seemed actually surprised.

Sorry. I’ll just go back to my usual types of threads I post in - I’m not really a pit kind of poster, it is true.

It may in fact be because I lack the intelligence required to engage in this high level type of discourse, I can accept that.