Aceplace57, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I didn’t read that thread. Was he unable to understand that the owner of a condo might rent it to someone else?

He understood that a condo was “an apartment which you own,” and didn’t understand why renting a condo didn’t turn it back into an apartment. It makes sense, in a way. He didn’t argue when people explained it to him, at least.

Am I the only one that thinks of the Mandelbaums from Seinfeld whenever he talks about his mom?

And another prime example of his tendency to not understand something and therefore make up some bizarre scenario to explain it. Maybe the Turpins, who kept their children in shackles without food, were just trying to save some money. “Refusing to let them bathe may have been an attempt to keep the water bill low. Restricting them to one meal a day may have been another cost savings”.

He even knows the solution: “The mother and older children could take jobs to help bring money into the household…Also, bath water can be reused. Saving substantially on the water bill.”

He has this need to twist the outside world into something he can comprehend, whether it’s innocent confusion like renting a condo, or more disturbing stuff like finding excuses for the Turpins, sex abusers like Josh Duggar, or misogynists like himself.

Ace is beginning to remind me of Lazlo Toth, of “The Lazlo Letters”.

Now I am wondering: Is Don Novello trolling us here on SDMB by creating the aceplace57 persona?

Do you ever?

Can we set up an online debate between acey and Luciano700? I’d pay money to watch.

Oh my God, I remember that book, I bought it in the “humor” section at Borders Bookstore (R.I.P.) when I was a young teenager because it looked hilarious even though, as I started reading through it, I realized that almost all of the humor was way before my time, involving Richard Nixon and the many public figures who were famous at the time. Later, after I had read some Hunter S. Thompson and had a little familiarity with that era, I started picking up on more of the references. In particular, I remember one letter to H.R. Haldeman, who was Nixon’s chief of staff, complaining that he had been letting his hair grow too long and implying that he was turning into a hippie. (Haldeman famously had a very stiff-looking flat-top haircut.)

I bet you were a fan of *Bumfights. *

I’m not sure it’s possible to create a perpetual moron machine, but the experiment could be interesting.

No, free republic isn’t that interesting.

I haven’t been able to find the post, but I remember when assplace57 first pinged my radar. He was getting all indignant because sometimes people on public assistance have things like refrigerators and telephones and maybe even a TV and he felt these families should sell all these items before accepting public assistance. Only then would they be truly destitute enough to deserve it.
Then he called me immoral because most of my family is on some form of public assistance And I give them nice gifts. Because I love them and I like making them happy. Once I gave everyone TV sets for Christmas. And I take them out to nice restaurants. But assplace feels that life isn’t fair if the people that are taking his tax dollars aren’t miserable 24/7.

He seriously thought I had some sort of moral obligation NOT to help them. He thought I should send the government the money instead.

“A donation in your name has been made to the Assplace Fund.”

Take your vows and you’ll be golden. If you’re fanatically devoted to the Pope, you can steal a tax-exempt 8-acre spread in L.A. with a swimming pool.

This fucking idiot.

Sorry, I should elaborate.

aceplace57 is the worst kind of harmless idiot. He believes shit with no evidence just because it seems right, and then it informs his worldview. I wonder how many of the articles he read included the phrase “Chief Justice Roberts” somewhere in them, but his incompetent ass was just too functionally illiterate to process it. Then when someone pointed it out to him, his fucking response was basically “oh, it seemed right so I assumed it was true.”

There’s a t-shirt that says something like “Be as confident as a mediocre white man.” He is that mediocre white man.

This. It is a bunch of bullshit, a British and American phoney “theology”, invented in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Some opinions are SHIT. They don’t deserve respect or “airtime”. It’s not like we are supersecret gubmint guys, preparing to arrest him for his shit opinions. But we can sure roast him. Freedumb of speech goes both ways.

Exactly. Yes, everyone has a right to an opinion. However, there is not a single unsupported asinine opinion itself that has a right to not be treated, discussed, and firmly branded as such.

“Lord, grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man.”

I’ve been planning on embroidering that to hang up in my house. :smiley: