Acid Lamp, you want to try reading for context?

Rather than hijack this thread, I’m calling you out on your bullshit in the pit.

Next time you qoute half of my post, deliberately losing the context and ‘refute’ it, make sure that you’re addressing what I wrote.

The context thing:

You left out the first paragraph where I gave my cite: ten years with at least one pit bull in my house. I’m not “Repeating commonly heard “knowledge””, I’m reporting my first hand experience. Direct observation, unlike you regurgitating some crap you read in a book written by…Who exactly? Oh, yes “Various sources”. Might as well say "everyone knows. Listen, pal, just because I didn’t write a book or webpage doesn’t make my observations any less factual.

Now for putting words in my mouth:
Show me, in what I wrote, where I said “pit bulls don’t feel pain”. My exact words were:

“resistance to pain”. Big fucking difference. Where did I say their nervous system is different?
Moving on, we have

I assume you were responding to:

Read the last four words of that, asshole. they are not “in the world”. My dog destroyed a few car tires that I hung in the garage for him. At the age of ten he still destroys Kong toys. Let me know if you are familiar with Kong toys, I’ll assume you know what car tires are.

Where the hell did I say anything remotely like this in my post? You want to refute what I actually said? Maybe you got so carried away being a tough guy on the internet that you can’t argue honestly.

As far as repeating commonly heard “knowledge”, I have lived with this dog for ten years. He’s an ADBA registered American Pit Bull Terrier off the Hienzl line out of Colorado. The Reverend Howard Heinzl was a big dog fighter back in his time and bred some magnificent dogs. My dog also has some Carver, Morgan and Colby in his pedigree, so he’s a real “pit bull”, not something that looks like it might be a pit or dogo argentino or presa canario or boxer or mastiff or something. I used to show him in ADBA sanctioned shows, which means that I spent a lot of time around a lot of pits, up close and personal. That and in the last ten years I’ve had three roommates who had female pits, so in the last ten years I’ve lived with a total of four pit bulls in my home. I delivered, raised and found homes for a litter of pit bull puppies when an irresponsible roommate abandoned a pregnant female in my house. I know what I’m talking about.
What is your experience with pit bulls? Have you raised any pits or even been to any ADBA sanctioned shows or weight pulls? Or are you just pulling something out of a book?

The next time you try to refute me, have the courage to be honest and address what I actually say. Also try to keep the quote in context.

What is it with pit bulls and this board? I like pets, and I sincerely tried to understand your post, but my eyes just kept on glazing over.

That’s just standard dog show/breeder talk. It’s technical.

Wow, you own a pitbull? Well shit, paint my ass red and call me properly chastised. After all, owning a dog certainly makes you an expert on the breed, you get your certificate with the puppy and collar.

First off, for someone who claims as much breed experience as you have, your parsing, mealy-mouthed ass attempts at passing off myth as truth is laughable. I didn’t quote your ass exactly? Ooooh! well pardon me all to hell.

Let’s do this right then:



This pretty much the same thing as the meme that they have the strongest jaws of any dog. As to Kong toys, I have a shar-pei cross that destroys them, Beef leg bones, tire-biters, and gnaws the edges of logs. I don’t think that my reply was out of line here, and at least I posted some sort of proper scientific information rather than citing my own experience. Who am I to argue though? you own a pitbull. Guess what? I own a pit mix myself. I guess I’m an expert too!

Cite? This is pretty close to the “pitbulls don’t feel pain like other dogs” meme I addressed.

For someone who travels in the Pitbull circles you seem to repeat of of bullshit breeder hype that is either patently false or a wild exaggeration of a characteristic common to many other breeds.

Since your comments were just half-assed versions of urban legends, I stand by my post.


Yeah, the bite strength argument is particularly urban legendy.

So this guy OWNS a Pit Bull, and still buys the ULs?