Across the entire World...

Aren’t you just wonkingly Superior?

Tim Geitner. Larry Sommers. Hank Paulsen. Ben Bernanke.
The Fed.
Obama ‘hiring’ George Bush’s Economic team. (And therefore endorsing Alan Greenspan and his leadership, even though his “leadership” was heading toward this impending disaster despite his sterling bona fides…)

Obama going to “…change Washington…” and access by Lobbyists…and, through him, "… we’ll be going back to Government “…by the People…for the People…” except…WAIT…we haven’t…he didn’t change a thing…

Is this sentiment so startling difficult to comprehend because my posts don’t fit some acceptable criteria?

The entirety of Congress is so corrupt that I’m thoroughly SICK of both Republicans and Democrats searching and scratching and fighting to ‘prove’ how different one is from the other.

A pox on both their houses.