Adam Savage of Mythbusters Accused of Rape and Incest

It’s not that the law is new; it’s that the statute of limitations (which, as originally set, allowed her to file suit until the age of 24) has been changed to 55.

That’s in legal terms as it should be, but people will draw their own conclusions. I mean, how many people think OJ Simpson is innocent of murder, his acquittal notwithstanding? The legal standard is not really the societal standard for thinking about guilt and innocence or wrong and right for that matter.

Having said that, I have no opinion about the truth of the accusation against Adam Savage.

There are allegations of anal sex by a 9 to 11 year old kid? This was decades before the internet.

I find it very unlikely a child that young would think of doing something like that. Oral sex? Yeah, maybe that could happen. That’s still a pretty young age for a young child. Puberty was still several years away.

I hope it’s not true. There’s never been any indication that Adam has done anything wrong as an adult.

According to this boys hit puberty between 9 and 14.

Oct. 20, 2012 – American boys are starting puberty up to two years earlier than decades ago, new data show.

Boys are entering puberty at an average age of 10 among whites and Hispanics, and at an average age of 9 among African-Americans. About a third of boys start to mature sexually up to two years earlier than average.

The findings come from a study of 4,131 boys examined at doctors’ offices across the U.S. by Marcia Herman-Giddens, DrPH, and colleagues. The same team found a year-earlier shift in first puberty for girls.

Starting to physically mature does not equal emotional(?) maturity.

Note that Savage would have been 9 decades ago, before the average age had moved.

He’s not that old!

Adam and the Tested Team were doing a live podcast that suddenly ends. Adam looks pretty distressed. That’s probably when his sister’s allegations were reported.

Jump to 27 mins. Adam is talking about quarantining with his mom. A couple minutes later he looks alarmed and says he had to go.
I guess he was blindsided by this news report.

Social media can be a vicious place. Unproven allegations can destroy a career very easily. How can anyone defend themselves?

Yep, sure does.

You mean as opposed to most of you who are absolutely sure he didnt do it? :smirk:

Ill say it again. I have no idea whether he did it or not but…so far there is no evidence that he did not do it and there is the alleged letter of apology.

Umm, just spitballin here, but isn’t that because THAT’S NOT HOW EVIDENCE WORKS?


That is how evidence works on the internet these days. If one fails to prove one is innocent, one is presumed guilty. And besides, there’s an alleged letter.

Kind of. There is something called exculpatory evidence.

So that means that the woman is lying. Like all those women for all those years who accused Bill Cosby, Ron Jeremy and Harvey Weinstein? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yet you keep coming up with ways of suggesting that he’s guilty.

You do understand that a suggestion isnt a proclamation? When someone accuses someone else of wrongdoing there is a suggestion that they did it. Now we have to wait for more evidence to come out.

You’re ignoring the fact that the mother says she’s nuts. In which case she’s not lying; she’s deluded.

And you’re not capable of doing that without mentioning killer kids or puberty?

Or did the multiple rapes damage her permanently?

Because they are suggestions of possibility. Have we learned nothing from #metoo? Again, its not to automatically say Savage is guilty. Its to take the accusations seriously and investigate further.