Administrative Request

Sunbear has suggested the first post of a new topic in this forum should contain a link (or the url) for the Mailbag item that it refers to. I think that’s a great idea, and would like to encourage everyone to do that… makes it helpful for the reader, to have the direct link to whatever is being discussed.

I confess to being computer inept, but you post a link by typing:

EXCEPT: replace the curly brackets { } with square brackets [ ]. And, of course, “whatever” means the site-identification-info.

For instance, if I type:
{url}{/url} but use square brackets instead of curly brackets, I get:

which links to the Superman Suicide question.
[Note: This message has been edited by CKDextHavn]

I’d like to reiterate this, please post the link to the Mailbag Answer you are commenting on… Makes it much easier for readers, makes it less likely that someone will research and repeat the answer already given.

I have edited a few new postings to include the link, but I really would prefer the first poster in a thread take that action. It’ll take a while to get used to, but if we all cooperate… Thnx

Your explanation noted the shell casing was found under Supe’s body, but you did not say whether the gun was a revolver or semi-auto or flintlock.

Oh. Was this thread about something else?
Rats. Now maybe you’ll have to change the topic header. ;->

Here, Nick, the answer to your question is in this plastic bag, just stick your head in… way, way, way in… and all will become clear.

CKDextHavn and Nickrz, what is the difference between administrator and moderator?

moderater is just a modest sized rat whereas an administrator is a big pain in the…
sorry, my connection with the school district is showing. wife is a teacher and a ‘moderator’ in ‘peer mediation’ (student to student conflict)

Moderator, not as if the administrators have the impression that any of these posts can become a tad bit contentious, is it?

“The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie.”

–Joseph A. Schempeter

Moderators have one forum to worry about. Administrators get involved in multiple forums, and also in the registration process, and all the other behind-the-scenes stuff that makes this work.

Threemae, I have no idea what the heck you are trying to say, and I have no idea why you posted that link? Could you be a bit more clear? You might try English-language sentences, for instance. OTOH, it could be me, it’s been a rough day. well that worked DEX! you have stumbled on the most important clue. All we gotta do is find a guy with a flintlock that uses shells. Seriously the link idea is good and easy I mean even I can do it. Want me to hit return now?

Is that the difference? I thought it was just that moderators who got their hands on blackmail material were promoted to administrator.

Promotion to administrator can also come about when you wave a hot lasagna under Ed’s nose. Trust me on this.

Lynn the Packrat

I think I got made Administrator because when Ed asked for volunteers, everyone else took one step backwards and I stood still.

But I do have the awesome power now of being able to change my clothes in a phone booth… if I could find a phone booth.

I’m posting this in several topics, to be sure it is seen.

I permitted the “Ken is a retard” title for a topic, although I found it offensive. Now we have “Doug is a fool” as a title, and I’m drawing a line in the sand: enough.

This is a forum about Cecil’s Mailbag. Titles that involve personal insults (to anyone) are not appropriate; take those to the BBQ Pit. Any future infringements will be edited.

I know, I know, some of you will crab about censorship. I will be happy to have e-mail discussions about it. In view of some of the insults and name-calling and what-not going on, this forum is pretty mild. I want it to stay that way. Thanks for your cooperation.

Administrator posted 07-11-99 07:44 AM

Sunbear has suggested the first post of a new topic in this forum should contain a link (or the url) for the Mailbag item that it refers to. I think that’s a great idea, and would like to encourage everyone to do that… makes it helpful for the reader, to have the direct link to whatever is being discussed.

Shouldn't this go in a "new users please read" post as well? Or has it and I just didn't notice?

" ‘Ideas on Earth were badges of friendship or enmity. Their content did not matter.’ " -Kurt Vonnegut, * Breakfast of Champions *

I tried waving various things under Ed’s nose, including blackmail material and hot lasagna.
All I got was this lousy t-shirt.

There’s probably more in the “New Users Please Read” section than new readers can manage now, but it’s a good idea… thanks.

I’m also hoping that lurkers and members will see by example, and catch on that way.

Nickrz, Ed has a better family lasagna recipe than any you can manage. No wonder your bribes haven’t been getting through!