Adopting a pet. (rabies?)

Ever since my Chartreux,Napoleon died last January, I find myself looking for another good breed of cat. But that breed, with shipping, cost upwards to $1500 and I don’t feel like spending that on a cat right now.
So last week my wife and I were out and about when we found ourselves driving past the Humane Society. We go in here every now and then, though we’re quite aware that we won’t find a higher class of pure bred cat here. Or did we? To our absolute shock an older couple had just surrendered a 6 year old Korat. This is a rare breed, especially around here.
His name is Gizmo, and he’s adorable. We immediately started adoption proceedings.
During the proceedings what came up surprised me: They said that the Humane Society (at least this one) doesn’t vacinate for rabies, and that the new owner is supposed to take the cat into their own vet within 7 days.
So, my question is (especially pertaining to strays) how does one know if their not adopting a pet with rabies? Can’t the disease remain dormant for 6 months?

A 6 year old cat should have some kind of vet care documentation, I would think. In WI (my county anyway) I was told rabies vaccs are required. I had talked to my vet about skipping them, I have a cat who had a possible vaccine related lump a few years ago. They told me that rabies was required, even though my cats never go out.

I don’t know about your general question though, I always thought rabies will show up in 10 days because that is how long the quarantine is?

The animal shelters may or may not have rabies documentation. If the cat has been there a week or two it is not likely to be infected. The rabies and other shots are for the protection of you cat (investment) and more importantly You from a personal standpoint as well as having the cat or other animal bite someone and have to have it isolated or put dowm if it develops rabies. Cheap insurance!

But lets look at a possible scenario (using our new cat as an example): Old folks, due to health problems, bring cat into shelter on October 27. They provide no proof of rabies shots.
We take cat home on November 9. Humane Society gave no rabies vaccine during it’s stay.
We took the cat in to the vet on November 11. Cat get’s shots.
If the cat were infected, wouldn’t those shots on November 11 stop the disease (provided it hasn’t been too long since it was infected) or do infected animals get a different type of shot?

In the 2 days between adoption and vet check that cat had contact with 6 people. He’s very affectionate and likes to give kitty kisses (licks) and scratches a little (playfully, mind you.).

Now after those shots, the cat won’t show any symptoms. But in 3 months will my wife be balled up in the corner afraid of water?

Exactly why wouldn’t the shelter give rabies shots to ANY animal brought there is what I’d like to know. Is’nt that a bit dangerous?