After 28 years, our septic system is failing, which basically means the drain field is no longer absorbing water very well. Our intervals between needing the system pumped out have gone from the usual 3+ years, to 2 years, to 6 months, to…83 days.
In math-speak, a monotonically decreasing sequence with a lower bound of zero. But not good, any way you slice it. FWIW, this is a problem that much of our neighborhood is experiencing, and we’re in the early stages of a process that should result in our having sewer service in 3-4 years.
Given the above sequence, though, we’re probably going to have to switch from a 1500-gallon septic tank, to a ~7000-gallon holding tank, well before sewer comes to our neighborhood. But whether we do or don’t, saving water has now become a high enough priority for us that we need to have everything from toilets and shower heads, to dishwashers and clothes washers, be as frugal with water as is reasonably possible.
And I was thinking: I bet my fellow Dopers have had some experience with low-flow appliances; bet they could give me some pointers! So feel free to share your experiences with the good, the bad, and the in-between.
We’re talking about sinks, showers, toilets, clothes washers, and dishwashers. For us, the latter two are 8-10 years old, and one of our two toilets was the original equipment in this 28 year old house, so we should replace all of those anyway. So we’re pretty much in the market for replacing any and all of the above.