You may have seen this story this Sunday on 60 Minutes:
As someone who has expressed her ambivalence about AA on this board, I have to say that I somewhat agree with this strategy. I am a woman but I don’t want to live in a society where women dominate all professional fields to the exclusion of men. But I am also bothered by the idea that boys can skate along in school and still “make it big”.
We can make the argument that minorities like blacks and Latinos need a “helping hand” because they are overrepresented in poor areas and they have been historically stigmatized and oppressed. We may also feel that their underrepresentation in the top eschelions in society needs to be addressed somehow, even if wwe don’t agree 100% with AA. We may also have problems with middle class minorities receiving preferential treatment, but they only make up a small percentage of the total population so their aggregate effect is almost negligible.
But men make up 50 percent of the population. They have never–as far as I know–been systematically discriminated against. They go to the same schools as over-achieving girls. They are raised by the same parents as valedictorian sisters. They have never been stigmitized as a group (boys are wimps, boys aren’t good in math, etc.). The power positions in the country are still dominated by their fathers and uncles and male cousins. And–most importantly–men are still making more money than women.
Is AA needed for boys in higher education? If so, is this an easier thing to swallow than AA for minorities? If it is, why? If this trend continues, do you think males will be stigmitized as AA incompetents who are taking jobs from the “deserving”? Should they be?