Afghanistan is Destroying a World Wonder

IIRC, the exact words are “My name is Ozymandias, kind of kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair”

That is not to disagree with Sofa king - I, too see their point, although I also regret their actions. If the statues were like Ozymandias’ and this was a case of today’s tyranny tagging over the monumental graffiti of yesterday’s tyranny, I would be less concerned.

But because the statues are Buddhist, I (an atheist) see it otherwise. Buddhism is the largest religion at whose feet can be laid the least amount of atrocity. Asoka and other Buddhist rules probably destroyed Hindu and Shamanistic relics when they established their kingdom, but these outrages are not remembered as painfully those done by others, including now the Taliban.

BTW, our "religion’ of commerce is not blameless: on the spot where now stands the Trump Tower, wasn’t there an old building with a beautiful Art Deco frieze? Didn’t Donald Trump promise to salvage the frieze, but decided it would be too costly, so one night had it destroyed?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

'Course, it’s the follies of past tyrranies which are precisely what we should not destroy. We must always remember we are form dust and will return, and all the works of the past fall to nothing.

Congradulations. You’ve won a pit thread.