After 3 years, I finally went on a date again

I met a woman on okcupid, we talked for a bit over email and on the phone, and arranged to meet and take a walk around San Francisco, and over the Golden Gate Bridge. It was a beautiful day, the sun was out, it was nice and windy, there was tons to see, we sat at this naval memorial on the other side of the bridge and ate cookies she baked and stared out at the ocean.

After a bit more exploring around, we went back to my car and headed south. We ate dinner at the Cheescake factory. She said she really liked ice cream, so instead of cheescake for dessert, I took her out for ice cream. After we ate and talked for a bit I drove her back to her dorm.

I had a really great time, but when I got home I got a message from her saying that while she too enjoyed the day, she felt that there was just no chemistry between us. Sad to say, I kind of agreed with her, really feeling that there was something missing the whole time. I was a little disappointed, I guess not because she didn’t like me that way (since the feeling was mutual) but that it kind of fizzled. It was a wonderful date, the weather couldn’t have been any nicer and she thought I was very thoughtful about the whole thing. It is easy to hope that in these situaions it is likely that things will go well in the future, or at least maybe a chance to take her out again. But on the other hand, I really appreciate that she was so up-front about how she felt. So, nothing much more than to move on.


Congratulations. Twice!

First, for taking the step and getting out and having a good time.

And second, for letting it go and deciding to try again.

Best of luck.

I agree, congrats on both counts. Now go out and do it again. And then again. And again. Eventually you’ll find one where there IS chemistry…as long as you keep looking and don’t let one ‘fizzle’ get you down.

Good luck.