After Death

How long does the body continue its processes and which one of these processes lasts the longest? Any help greatly appreciated.

I forgot to add that these processes are post mortem. Thanks. I put this in the body (no pun intended ) but not in the subject.

Decomposition, which lasts until it’s done. This depends on humidity and other factors, of course.

And then comes fossilization. And then, 20.000 years later, you end up mummified in some museum, with wise ass scientists telling the world that you were gay.

Once the body is dead, none of it’s processes, except for maybe a tiny bit of in-stomach digestion may occur from already-existing acids and foodstuffs.

A common myth is that hair and fingernails continue to grow after death, but this is false. This illusion is caused by the recession of skin, especially noticed around the fingernails.

And I’ll point out that decomposition isn’t really a process that’s done by the body. It’s carried out by microbes chewing you to little bits.