I worked 80-hour weeks for six wears in a row. Where were you complaining about that and standing up for my rights?
Maybe now people will realize what it’s like working for peanuts at a McDonald’s, trying to pay the rent.
Now that I’m done chastizing you, to a certain extent I agree with what the author of the article is saying, but as usual it’s all blown out of proportion.
I sure would be nice to see a reasoned cite instead of one written by a raving liberal whiner.
If I understand this correctly, it looks like a great idea. I am assuming that it is currently not legal for an employer to offer time off for overtime and that this bill would allow it. Grown-ups shoudl be allowed to choose. For many people, time off is more valuable than extra pay.
So stiffen it up a bit and say the employee gets to choose to take the cash or the time off. Other than that, sounds like a good thing to me. Extra compensation for extra work. The form of compensation could be regular pay while you sit on your butt or extra cash for your extra hours. As long as the employee gets to choose which they’d prefer then I don’t see a problem. It seems like the intent of the bill is to create this choice(otherwise, why upset the status quo at all?) and some loopholes are creating the problem of potential abuse by employers. Close the loophole, pass the thing and move on.
It’s a good idea, but the particular law is a crappy one. They should force the company to give the employee the time off within 60 days of having done the overtime, rather than the waiting until the last minute. And I can see this as an excuse for some companies to slash vacation time, as the employees will have their time off by working for it.
Usually I choose to have the extra time off rather than the overtime pay. It’s an informal agreement between my boss and me and I like the option of taking off early one afternoon when a really lovely day comes along. It wasn’t all that long ago that some people were crying for the option to be able to do just that.
It didn’t take long in reading Joe Robinson’s article to realize that he’s one guy that needs to grow up.
I guess so if the people subjected to it get the comp time in a timely manner and when they want it. But it appears it will be at the whim of the employer.
Worker. Boss. I need my comp time.
Boss. Well we are busy now try next month.
Worker. But I need it now! I worked the overtime for you.
I agree it would work as long as the worker had the right to decide when the comp time was taken. But that will never be allowed. Not by the pubbies anyway.