Again with the annoying commercials!

“Balance of Nature” has outdone itself in obnoxiousness with the latest one: a saccharine montage of Mom giving her son “Eat Your Vegetables” notes leading up to him revealing that he saved all of them… and then pivoting to “fuck your stupid vegetables; take these pills instead”.

I saw that one too and in the first ten seconds I said to myself, “if this is for those friggin’ fruits and veggie pills, I’m going to puke.”

I puked.

The local station ran not one, not two, but three Tovala commercials in one break (two of them back-to-back).
I did not need this reminder that Cyril_M._Kornbluth was being optimistic when he set “The Marching Morons” centuries rather than decades into his future.

I hate how she says, “Wiiiiindows and Patio Doooors”

On the off-chance of anyone being whooshed:

Why didn’t he tell you? You told him!

Who writes this shit?

Who is that guy anyway?

I imagine he’s famous among Ultimate Fighting Championship fans.

Beck, your place is wherever you want to be.

I know. OMG, he’s teaching his kid to say “Oh fudge!” He’s clearly a bad dad.

There’s an ad for Coke that takes place in a museum. A Picasso reaches out of the frame to a Warhol painting and grabs the Coke bottle, etc, etc. The ad isn’t so bad, but the repetitions are maddening. On multiple streaming services it plays up to 4 times per ad break.

GNC is hawking a testosterone supplement with the charming appellation “Rut.” I will be on the lookout for scrawny guys of a certain age who have sprouted antlers.

The Shriner’s commercial with Trace Adkins “singing” I’ll be Home For Christmas". I don’t know much about modern country music, but this guy is BAD! Harvey Feuerstein eating gravel sings better.

And I hate his stupid leather cowboy hat. Every time!

I cannot tell you how much I hate that ad.
The kids singing part is so old my kids remember it when they were small. Every child on there has long since grown up.

I’ve started muting it as soon as Trace sings “I’ll.”

I still wear in regular rotation the local youth recreation association T-shirt I bought to support our kid’s 4th grade soccer team. She is now 34. That shirt must be made of Unobtanium or some alien technology. It’s still looks pretty new.

Omaho Steaks. Hate for the silly people in it and for the number of times it gets repeated this time of year. But mostly for what it has degenerated to. Half the things they list are potatoes,franks,chicken,sauce. There is probably only a pound of beef in the order anymore.

Huh? Hadn’t seen that commercial.


Actually they send you the exact poundage you order. I Invision little Ompaa Loompas slicing slivers off to make it exact.

Yeah, I really hate the ads. The chicken is worthless. The desserts are basically packaged Lil Debbie type cakes. They recommend things you can do to jazz them. Ice cream or squirt whip cream. Duh!!

I was a dummy. I bought it once. The steaks were nice. But I could’ve gotten that locally.
Now, I get their ads on everything. Plus TV.

If I ever go to Omaha, I have words to call them. Loudly.

(Don’t get me started on their mailings. Gah!!!)

But do you get a free kite with your order?

His singing is very cringey, but I still maintain that the Shriner’s commercials are a breath of fresh air compared to the current run of St. Jude’s commercials where the kiddo doesn’t make it :slightly_frowning_face: .