I’ve gone to websites for various breweries and distilleries, and have noticed, pretty consistantly, that before I can get into those websites, I have to give them my birthdate or age, which has to be at least 21. If I say I’m under 21 (I’ve done that a few times to check), it won’t let me in.
What’s the deal? I know you have to be at least 21 to drink alcohol, but why do you have to be at least 21 to look at a website?
Per the FTC, alcohol can’t be advertised to underage drinkers. Websites are considered a form of promotion.
This specific requirement dates to a 1999 FTC report to Congress on the alcohol producer’s self-regulation. I can’t find the text online, but it appears the recommendation was: “Use available mechanisms to block underage access and avoid content that would attract underage consumers.” My cynical side says it was probably the easiest item on the list to implement.
Why not just change your birthdate so that you are 21? Kind of ridiculous…
A sex toy site that’s been mentioned in a sex advice column (Savage Love) that I read occasionally also has a minimum age of 21 on their website. 18 I can understand, since they sell erotica as well, but why 21? I searched for a couple other sites like this just to make sure, and they’re all for people 18 and up. This one doesn’t seem to sell sex liquor or anything, so I really wonder what the deal is.