Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D S01E17: Turn, Turn, Turn (open spoilers)

CA:WS spoiler and speculation on previous.

Or they used the same mask tech Natasha used to fool people in CA:WS. But they would have to match Ward’s build, voice and the like from people who will be close to him, so I doubt it.

We see him eyeing the knife - he comes back to Skye holding a gun -


It’s a neat theory, but a mask literally couldn’t last past the first Ward/Garrett scene in the next episode. Once he’s gotten Garrett free, there’s no reason for fake Ward to maintain the fake identity. Now mind control, that I could get behind, but (a) the only non-Asgardian mind control device we’ve seen is the eyeball thing, and there wasn’t enough time to surgically install one unless Skye was in the closet for a really long time, and (b) even if he got an eyeball device earlier, upstanding-Ward doesn’t seem the type to kill three fellow SHIELD agents just to save his own life - since that’s really the only control the eyeball has - “Obey or die”.

Movie spoiler:

Now what if Baron Strucker was in a secret part of the Hub, and used Loki’s staff to take over Ward? Wouldn’t that be something.

I’ve seen a few people claim Ward was fighting Hydra in the hallway. Weren’t these Hand’s guys, so SHIELD… or at least partially. A few scenes later we see half of the level fives are Hydra when they should the SHIELD half on instigation by Garrett.

dublos, good theory. The dogpile scene would be a good place for a swap or something.

I don’t favor eyeball implant theories. Shield uses biometrics and it would be really easy to routinely eyeball scan SHIELD agents.

If Ward is a bad guy, the team is going to need a new good-looking alpha male. That guy with the hots for Simmons? Too much intra-team romance going on.

Triplett would be a great replacement for Ward, who can move on as a recurring Bad Guy. That would bring out all sorts of emotions from Fitz.

As I outlined above, in retrospect we can see that Ward was established as being in cahoots with Garrett long before the dogpile scene. No Good Ward tied up somewhere while Bad Ward takes his place.

The team all got full exams before being approved for Coulson’s team, so if Ward has an eye-thing it was inserted sometime during the run of the show- and there does not seem to be an opportunity for that to have happened. Current Ward is essentially the same guy we met in the Pilot- it’s just that we’ve learned more about him.
Triplett seems the obvious replacement for Ward. Not only is Ward’s post vacated, but Triplett’s assignment to Garrett is definitely terminated at this point.

Just to be clear on what you guys are saying, you are aware that Fitz is the male scientist? The female scientist is Simmons.

I have to say that Triplett and Simmons is a hella better romance than Ward and Skye. That one was a little eye-rolly. At least Triplett and Simmons are semi-equals, just like Ward and May are semi-equals. Ward is practically Skye’s babysitter; that’s just skeevy to me.

Besides, we needed a little more color in the main cast. I hope Triplett sticks around being all angsty that his ex-SO and Ward are both Hydra.
Also, is it just me, or did the interview link posted above spoil the identity of the Clairvoyant pretty thoroughly? I mean, that person was a possibility, but I didn’t think they’d actually come out and SAID it on the show. Am I slow, or did I miss something, or were we just supposed to have figured it out during a specific scene?

Speaking of Fitz…

In the scene where Coulson, May and Fitz were fighting Garrett & Hydra lugs, what was up with Fitz? He hides under a desk - fine, he’s not combat trained and would only get in Coulson & May’s way. He gets his hand on a gun, and fires 3 shots at the guy about to kill May. Then he gets all upset, drops the gun, and when Garrett is about to kill Coulson, he tosses Coulson that weird taser device (have we seen that before?) Why not either shoot Garrett, or if his one experience at shooting was too much for him, actually use the device on Garrett himself? Especially considering Coulson at the time was using both hands to keep Garrett from stabbing him in the face - letting go with one of those hands might not have led to the best result.

And if it turns out Ward is only pretending to be a Hydra agent, then maybe Triplett is only pretending to be a SHIELD loyalist. After all, he’s the only member of Garrett’s team that Garrett didn’t kill. And he did tell Ward that he was planning on killing Nash. Sure, he didn’t kill Simmons when he had a chance. But as we saw with Fitz, HYDRA wanted the scientists taken alive.

Actually, that might be related to what I just posted - if Fitz figured out what I didn’t, then that would be a really smart move to try and capture Garrett alive rather than dead.

I spent that entire scene yelling for Fitz to man it up and I was pretty satisfied with his performance in a situation he wasn’t trained for.

That’s the direction I figured they were going in.

We already know Fitz is an agent who can man up when he’s playing to his technological strengths, and I can see him getting out of the way when it comes to physical combat stuff.

Things is, all Skye has to do is “train harder than evah!” and she’ll be a super-agent, while Fitz will stay a nerdy weakling.

Another thing we’re bound to see play up in the future:

Ward likes Skye (confirmed by Lorelai) and the clairvoyant (Garrett) made Quinn shoot skye just because… will that be the catalyst to Ward inevitable redemption?

I’m all but certain that Ward is infiltrating Hydra in deep cover. Even with that interview. The case the producers make for him being a sleeper the whole time is awfully weak. I think it’s just an attempt to make it seem somewhat plausible, so the reveal of him being loyal is actually surprising.

There are tons of ways an organization as technomagical as SHIELD could fake those deaths, even right in front of Garrett. Heck, maybe they have some more of the magic alien juice around and plan to resurrect Hand and the other two agents like they did to Coulson.

Actually, to be hugely nitpicky, Ward likes someone on the Bus that is NOT MAY. We don’t know who it is - we’re assuming Skye, but that’s because MAY assumed it was Skye.

We saw it in the jungle battle scene in Episode 2.
It’s not a taser device, it sends out a wide blast force on a plane about two feet off the ground- Coulson lying on the floor was below the blast field, Garrett was right within the blast field (when they used it in the jungle, they first called out for all their guys to get down, once their guys put themselves on the ground they were all below the blast field but all the bad guys still standing were blasted off their feet)

We don’t see May when Coulson sets off the blast but she knew what the device was so, presumably, she got down on the ground.

So that’s even worse - Fitz didn’t even have to get close to Garrett to use it. So instead of just using it, he makes the guy fighting for his life free up a hand to grab it?

Agreed. I immediately thought it was dumb that he didn’t use it himself. No reason not to.