AGW Revealed as a Hoax?

Well what would YOU call people who’ve already decided that AGW is a hoax/global conspiracy, and who ignore all evidence to the contrary?

Because I found before that your sourses are not reliable, you need to point to specific items, as many times they refer to items that were already explained and researched many times before.

So far I see you as an skeptic, but if you **never **doubt about your sources…

When did I say anything like that?

You mean that NASA charts and HadCRU data are not reliable?
You may disagree on how the data is analysed or commented, but the charts are from “your” guys.
I question my sources, of course I’m sure I’m biased towards the sceptical side.

I have an idea that could make space flight much easier and much cheaper.

A friend and I will do scientific research into gravity, and falsify some results. I will email my friend about these falsified results, and they will get “leaked” to unbiased major media outlets, like Fox News and Drudge.

This will then DISPROVE the theory of gravity! Imagine how much easier it will be get stuff into outer space without that damn gravity holding us down!

Well, so long as you do it at the right moment, if I’m going to be flung into outer space, I’d kind of like to hit the moon. If that’s not too much trouble…

No promises.

You don’t think it is odd that they get different conclusions with the same data? And more often than not they **skip **the context and go for nitpicks to continue saying that “we don’t know” (The main conclusion in one of the sites you linked to)

Just FUD.

Well, in the case of Michael Mann and colleagues’ work, the relevant funding agency was the NSF and the NSF weighed in very clearly on the issue of what data, methods, and code was required to be released. The NSF clearly told Steve McIntyre that Mann et al. had made available everything that they were required to:

Nonetheless, subsequent to this, Mann et al. did release more, including their code…and, in their 2008 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they made pretty much everything available with the publication of their paper. Hence, they have gone beyond funding agency requirements.

I think it is good to encourage scientists to be more open than what is required but I don’t think it is good to DEMAND this or to make false claims about what openness is currently the norm in the scientific community. In physics (or at least the subfields of it that I have been in), it is rare indeed to release one’s computer code. And, in fact, I have published papers while working for a corporate employer where I would not even be allowed by my employer to release the code.

By the way, RealClimate has started a list of publicly-available raw and processed data, codes, and model output available here.

So. They’re in on it too, then?


Where have you been?!! I was beginning to think some contrarians got you. :slight_smile:

Are you saying that Global Warming will lead to an increase in skin cancer? Or are confusing GW with loss of the ozone layer?

Quoting a good post from a different thread:

That CRU quote at the end is pretty poignant. Even if the “hide the decline” quote can be explained away, the “I won’t let you have my data” is just as shocking, from the POV of the scientific method.

‘Permanent’ Arctic ice vanishing:

It is a major center for it, but still just one of many. I can’t even remember all of the various organizations with tons of data just sitting on the internet in nicely tabulated files to browse through. If you look at almost any temperature reconstruction, climate simulation, or any such thing, there’s always a minimum of a dozen separate groups’ output charted, including error bars.

Not shocking considering who did the request, AFAIK the original data is curated at the met services where it originated. This researcher is most likely replying to continuous erroneous requests that assume that the data was his to deliver.

So far, in this specific case, I see incompetence regarding human relations. Nothing to do with the subject at hand as there are already very good cites that show that the data was already released or that there are good reasons why some data is not released.

(And I would not mind putting this researcher to the coals for that remark, as I mentioned before, it is almost all contrarians and deniers that continue to look even worse for cherry picking and ignoring the context, it is still a very unethical move to use stolen evidence to make misleading points.)

But, I think we should continue to dismiss the stolen letter evidence until we get more reliable evidence that the frustrated researchers were not just expressing their frustrations with database issues and saying aloud their wishful thinking on what to do with deniers.