Ain't that a shame - Pat Boone on evolution

What do you expect from someone whose mind is ruined by drugs.

No, wait - make that mind ruined by religion. :smiley:

You were right the first time.

“Religion is the opium of the people.” - Karl Marx.

He makes a mistake that seems to be common to these knee-jerk fundie Creationists: he declares Darwinism to be “farfetched” and claims Intelligent Design is “much more plausible,” apparently without knowing that ID cites the truth of Darwinism as a given.

Do I even want to ask for an explanation here, let alone a direction to said attrocity?


Personally, I’m afraid to ask.

I guess the whacko nut-case institute of creationism / intelligent design decided it needed another singer / spokesman besides Charlie Daniels. (Yeah I’ve pitted him before concerning his scientifical beliefs).
The one thing that is really getting old about this “debate” is the assinine ‘it’s only a theory’ argument. From Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, we learn E=mc² (or so I was forced to learn in my robot-like, unquestioning science classes) :slight_smile:
Gee, Pat Boone, I guess E=mc² is ‘just a theory’ too? I wonder how the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki feel about the ‘theoretical’ nature of E=mc²?

Man didn’t evolve from apes. Man evolved into orangutans. :wink:

They do teach the difference between the trivial and the formal definitions of the word “theory” these days, don’t they? Cause I know I was taught it, but judging from the casual misuse of the word I see constantly, I must have been the last person ever to hear it.

Please tell me you did this on purpose. :slight_smile:


Ugh. And here I thought butchering Metallica was the most offensive thing the guy could do.

Wait. Is he confused? Is he talking about evolution or religion?

My emphasis. Do I even want to know what this means?

Only at the risk of finding out which category you belong to. :wink:

Well, strictly speaking, he’s right: there is no evidence of organisms in an intermediate stage of development between steps on the evolutionary ladder. Seeing as how there is no “evolutionary ladder”, one wouldn’t expect to find any of these so-called “steps”, much less intermediate steps between those.

Of course, Mr. Boone fails to realize that the old scala naturae isn’t exactly a cutting edge idea in modern evolutionary biology…

Four legs good, three legs beeeeeetter!

And “no historical evidence” for the “claim that life evolved . . . over millions of years”, was kind of rich. I wonder if he has even a passing acquaintance with what the word “historical” means…

Maybe he does, and hopes that his audience doesn’t. He ought to see if next week he can sneak in “no eyewitness evidence”.

Dear God! What utter drivel.

If you do a Google image search of “pat boone”, with safe mode off, in the third row of thumbnails, second column, you’ll see what I mean. If you’ve seen the SNL video “Dick in a Box,” it’s pretty much that.

More like the pot calling the fine silverware black.

I’m so sorry I did that. :eek: How will I ever be able to sleep now?

In other news, I think it’s great that Chuck Norris has found work writing a blog now that “Lone Texas Walker: Missing Delta Force” is off the air. I’ll just say that his acting skills aren’t his only strength!

Ummmm…you DO know that world net daily is a tabloid, like the Enquirer or the Sun, right…

