The other night, Pres. Bush landed at Hagerstown Airport (in Western MD) for (a) quick access to Camp David and (b) as a diversion from the normal routine. However, the Press was there to greet him. So, if the Press beats him to Hagerstown, so couldn’t a Terrorist? How did the media learn of his plans so soon, and why doesn’t the White House release some false info at times about Pres. Bush’s whereabouts - for his sake and the sake of the nation?
Sure we have freedom of the Press, but that doesn’t mean the White House Staff has to release every single detail accurately, either!
The Press didn’t beat him there. There was already Press there, local Press though not the usual Presidential Press. Usually there is a media contingent who travels with the POTUS on AF1 but I think that they weren’t allowed to travel with him on this flight.
And if the White House did not want the media there, it would have been arranged that way. They have the capability, the intelligence and the will to allow as much, or as little, coverage as possible.
Generally, the White House sends press releases to the media giving the president’s schedule, as well as the amount of access given (pool reports, no reports, photo ops). Reporters have to get a pass to cover the president. Those on the regular beat already have clearance, and any locals who want to join the show have to be vetted by the Secret Service long before being allowed to sign on.