Albany, NY wrestling fans, please help.

This isn’t really a rant, so I’m posting it here rather than the Pit.

The NCAA Wrestling Championship Tournament is currently going on at the Knickerboker (Pepsi) Arena, in downtown :wink: Albany.

Ahh, wrestling. One point for a takedown, a point for a reversal, etc. It’s a beautiful sport. Two men step onto the mat, and the better man leaves as the winner. Victory.

Prepare for your next match, compete again. Compete well, defeat your opponent, and you will advance to the next round.

Strain, sweat, tear muscles, sprain joints, but above all, WIN. Observe the rules, exhibit good sportsmanship, and pin that other guy to the mat.



For the Love of God, please, somebody, get me in for the finals.

I live here. I went a week ago to the box office at the Arena itself. No good.

Please help me. I’m desperate.