Album cover art that references other album cover art

A classical music expert pointed out to me that the second symphony doesn’t have a solo part.

One of them has been used by Fleet Foxes.

In interviews I’ve seen Nile Rogers state that the album cover of Chic was taken from one or several Roxy Music album covers (which he denied at the time).


Crac-a-Stan is awesome! COM ain’t bad either.

The cover of Bringing It All Back Home by Bob Dylan features several album covers, including;
The Impressions (Keep on Pushing)
Robert Johnson (King of the Delta Blues Singers)
Ravi Shankar (India’s Master Musician)
Lotte Lenya (Sings Berlin Theatre Songs by Kurt Weill)
Eric Von Schmidt (The Folk Blues of Eric Von Schmidt).

One more:

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland (spoilered for extensive nudity):

Die Toten Hosen - Reich und Sexy (spoilered for extensive nudity):

Paul McCartney’s Ram

And the back of John Lennon’s *Imagine * clicking on the large image on the left will give you front and back.

The cover of Paul is Live is an obvious reference to Abbey Road.

The guy was a dick.
(Largely ameliorated by Rain, Strawberry Fields, Tomorrow Never Knows, Across the Universe, She Said She Said, Julia, In My Life, Dear Prudence, All You Need is Love, Come Together, Cry Baby Cry, Revolution, Sun King, Don’t Let Me Down, Hey Bulldog, Please Please Me.)

That’s not the original rear cover of the Imagine album. That image of John with the pig was on a postcard included with the record. Just saying that I don’t think it was his intention to put it out on the cover.

Does anyone know if Weird Al gets approval from the artists he, ahem, “covers”, before he does his thing?

yes he normally asked except for one song …….Coolio was a self important dick so al’s studio told al to put amish paradise on the album anyway

Coolio later apologized for being that way

Of course the supreme court later decided the matter once and for all ……

4 times + Gigi!

He asked, but he has never been required to. As long as you pay royalties, you can change the lyrics any way you want.

This was a principle long before Campbell v. Acuff-Rose. The court case just affirmed it.

And Golden Throats did another version:

Does this count? If Monty Python
counts, this counts:

And of Saturday Night Fever: Sesame Street Fever - Wikipedia

AxCx references the Bee Gees (don’t worry - mild oi version)

Thank-you for spotting “Bulldog”. I’d also throw in there “It’s Only Love”, “Sexy Sadie”, “Norwegian Wood”, “Lucy…”, “Glass Onion”, (which, heh, “references” other Beatles tunes), “I Am the Walrus”, “I’m Only Sleeping” (LOVE that song), “Everybody…Monkey”, “I’m So Tired”, (some consider those last two as confections; I think they’re great little numbers), “If I Fell”, “Ticket to Ride”, “You’re Going to Lose that Girl”. /derail

ETA - heh - somewhat ninja’ed by JKellyMap :stuck_out_tongue:

Missed edit window

Doggy Style does Zep

Bad Religion - Suffer (album) - Wikipedia

NOFX - Surfer (EP) - Wikipedia

Iron Maiden - of the Beast

Stormtroopers of Death - Bigger than the Devil - Wikipedia Than the Devil

Screwed that up but can’t fix it that fast