Albums that will never go away

Not the bad kind, I’m talking the good classic stuff you stumbled across in high
school, once you’ve developed a musical taste. The kind of great albums that don’t deserve to be re-done by a modern artist, but left to their original content into infinite.

I distinctly remember the first time I heard “The Beatles: White Album” and “Pink Floyd’s: The Wall” in high school. I wasn’t even conceived when the "White Album came out, and I was 1 when Pink Floyd put out “The Wall”, but when I heard them I loved them.

Instantly fell in love w/ both albums after I was exposed to them around 16-18.
So what albums do you all believe will never go away? (I’d like to place a bet that today’s 1 year olds will love “Tool” in 16 years, but no one will take my bet.) :stuck_out_tongue:

The cliche answer (and true, for me) was Zeppelin IV. I heard it when I was about 16 (1989-ish) and it blew me away. Same for Highway to Hell by AC/DC.

Bat Out of Hell by Meat Loaf - I had never heard so much raw emotion in a voice.

I remember the first time I heard Smells Like Teen Spirit like it was yesterday - one of my friends in college said “I just got this album, and I can’t put it down!” It was pretty great.

Also Ragged Glory by Neil Young. Maybe his best, in a long, distinguished catalog. It really spoke to me, at that time and place, about 1991. Freedom might be a better album (arguable), but Ragged Glory knocked me for a loop.


Several other Beatles albums, of course. Most notably Revolver, Rubber Sould, Sgr. Pepper and Abbey Road.

I’d also expect the Rolling Stones’s Beggar’s Banquet and Let It Bleed.

Tommy, Who’s Next, and Who Are You.

And things like The Eagles Greatest Hits will continue to be successful.

James Taylor Greatest Hits
AC/DC Back in Black
Bill Joel The Stranger
Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon
Bruce Springsteen Born to Run

Pearl Jam’s Vs.

Allman Brothers, Live at Fillmore East

Yes, Close to the Edge

Fleetwood Mac - Rumors
Paul Simon - Graceland
Steely Dan - Aja
Michael Jackson - Thriller

London Calling, The Clash

Er, I don’t think that the Beatles had an album with that title. :wink:
I’m going to humbly disagree with some of the mentions thus far, particularly Yes.
I will suggest The Sun Sessions from Elvis Presley.

My choices:

Beatles: The White Album and Sgt Peppers
Zeppelin: Zep 1-4
Yes: Close to the Edge and Fragile
Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here.
Traffic: John Barleycorn Must Die
Cream: Disraeli Gears
Crosby, Stills & Nash (and Young): Déjà Vu
Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue & American In Paris by Bernstein.
ELP: Brain Salad Surgery
Allman Brothers: Live at Fillmore East & Brothers and Sisters
Bruce Springsteen Born to Run

Two peope beat me to Born to Run, but yeah, that.

Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, although other artists have done good work with some of the tracks.

Automatic For The People should probably be on the list. I was never a big R.E.M. fan but that is one of the definitive alternative rock albums.

I’m trying to think if there are any definitive, top-to-bottom metal albums. Metallica’s Black Album? Appetite For Destruction by G & R?

Yeah, all of the above plus: The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers, The Who’s Quadrophenia, Black Sabbath (the first one), and U2’s War.

Barry White - Can’t Get Enough

This one definitely - I can’t believe I didn’t think of it!! :smack:

One of the first to come to my mind is The Cure - Disintegration.

Most of my picks have been mentioned already, but here a few:

Santana: Abraxas
Sex Pistols: Never Mind The Bollocks
Ramones: Rocket to Russia

The original Jesus Christ Superstar

Nevermind by Nirvana
Johnny Cash at Folsum Prison
Pretty Hate Machine by Nine Inch Nails
Walk Among Us by The Misfits

Broadway albums, I’ll add **West Side Story **then.