Alcohol Stereotypes/Opinions

Are there stereotypically “girly” drinks that you like, and order when you go out?

Biggest myth about alcohol I can think of is that in Japan and Korea one has no choice but to indulge in the alcohol-fueld after-hours drinking culture or one’s career is over. I first heard that when I lived in Seoul in the late 70s, again when I lived near Tokyo in the early 90s, and again when I lived near Seoul in the late Aughts and then in Busan in the early 10s. It’s not true. There are plenty of Japanese and Koreans who not only do not indulge in alcohol at such events but have never attended them with no damage whatsoever to their career.

Time period off above: Seoul and Busan in late Aughts and earlty 10s. Still unsure how to refer to those years of this century.

I do enjoy a nice mixed drink made up of Seagram’s Seven Crown Whiskey and lemon lime soda

True story–try doing a reduced carb or keto diet and you find out that about 80% of the grocery store is completely off limits. I take a lap around the outside–produce, meat, dairy, paper products, cheese aisle and out the door. Everything else is loaded up with sugar and so carb heavy it makes me vaguely nauseated just thinking about it all.

Drinkers Like Me - Adrian Chiles
An interesting video I happened to be watching tonight. The justifications of some people are amazing. Also amazing is how the guy Adrian seems to plan his activities around drinking even when he is trying to cut down (not quit) because his liver scan was problematic.

There are some interesting videos on drinking on Youtube. Pretty much every single one make me want to never drink again. Although I am still going through the rabbit hole.

Russia’s Impending Drink Catastrophe (granted from 2008).

There was a scary stop drinking story that I think ABC did in late Soviet Russia. Their cure to alcoholism was to take an Antabuse like drug and drink vodka till you puke. For several days.

Pretty much what I do, and for many of the same reasons. She’s a fierce low to no carb, no salt eater, though she will split some wine with me on the weekend. Produce, meat, coffee beans, see if they’re giving anything away in the wine/beer section, fresh flowers on occasion, and out. Makes shopping a lot quicker.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve gone out to a bar. Stupid COVID. Stupid County Judge. Sigh.

I don’t really miss bars too much but going out to restaurants and going to beer festivals is Right Out and I miss those.

I used to think the drinking age should be lowered to 18, then I got a door shift at a bar. Jesus fucking christ, the 21 year olds are bad enough. No way do I want to deal with drunk teenagers.

My favorite “what your drink says about you” line was “White Russian: You have never worked in a bar and are wildly overconfident about the expiration dates of the bar’s dairy products.”

As far as girly drinks go, I once ordered an amaretto sour while sitting next to a very large biker who was in town for rolling thunder. He gave me a little bit of shit, I laughed it off, and we spent some time conversing. Interesting guy.

I hope you don’t talk this way to your friends.
Or your local bartender. You can say “Gimme a seven and seven.”

Yeah, well, there’s a hair-color joke about a woman who orders a “fourteen.” At the barkeep’s blank look, she says, “Well, duh, it’s a seven and seven!”

Yeah, but the way I heard it, she order a “fifteen.”

The ‘manly drinks’ or ‘girly drinks’ thing really depends on what circles you run in. If you are hanging out with more traditionally masculine guys then you’ll get shit for drinking ‘girly drinks’. But in other circles, you’ll get shit for putting gender labels on drinks and/or being the kind of person who is too wimpy to make a decision for himself.

Binge drinking is not actually a universal part of the collegiate experience. There are certainly groups that binge drink (frats are well known for it), but there are plenty of people in college that only binge drink occasionally, only drink occasionally, don’t drink much at all, or otherwise don’t fit the stereotype. Don’t misread this as me saying that college binge drinking is rare, it’s quite common and easy to find on most campuses, just that it’s not nearly as universal as some people make it out to be.

Drinking age of 21 seems to be pretty clearly harmful, and ties in with college binge drinking. By setting the drinking age high, kids in the 16-20 age range who are starting to live semi- to fully- independent lives don’t have a chance to develop moderate drinking habits. You can’t sit down at a restaurant and have wine with your cheese, or go to a bar and have a couple of drinks to relax, so most of your exposure to alcohol is getting a bunch of (often cheap) booze and drinking it for maximum intoxication.

Fun historical drinking fact: before prohibition, drinking used to be absurdly common in the US. Manual labor jobs would traditionally provide rum so that workers were buzzed all day long while operating machinery and tools!

There are also weirdos who wake up at 6 am and go eat breakfast at the dining hall before their 8 am courses too. They exist, but it’s certainly not the norm.

My experience (1991-1996, large state university) was that the hardcore religious types or the extremely nerdy types didn’t drink at all. Everyone else engaged in various levels of drinking- anywhere from getting puking drunk 4-5 nights a week, to maybe having a beer when they went out. Most people that I knew might binge drink once a week and get “a buzz”, but nothing that would cause a hangover. Every now and then that would happen, but it wasn’t usually intentional.

[quote=“bump, post:54, topic:923201, full:true”]

Yeah, getting “a buzz” once a week is significantly more common than binge drinking - drinking at all is pretty common, but ‘binge drinking every weekend’ is pretty rare. A lot of the binge drinkers would act like it’s the normal thing to do, but it’s really not.

I know I peg the atypical meter, and this is another example. Not only was binge drinking NOT a part of my college experience, it’s not a part of any of my experiences. When we were kids, our parents allowed us to taste various wines and mixed drinks, so there was no mystique surrounding alcohol. I also learned that I didn’t much like the stuff. On very rare occasions, there are a few mixed drinks that I enjoy, but mostly, I stick with water or soft drinks. Plus alcohol puts me to sleep and if I’m going somewhere to socialize and have fun, I don’t want to be nodding off or yawning.

Yeah, very atypical.

I do this too. Thankfully ice cream is also on the perimeter, of the store I go to. If it wasn’t I’d find a new store.

True. The there is this:

Puking drunk 4-5 nights a week and havng a beer when they go out aren’t anywhere near the same thing, and lumping them together under “binge drinking” is disingenuous.

There’s one stereotype I have found to be true: There are two groups, pot heads and heavy drinkers, that have this misconception that EVERYONE is just like them. It’s a blindness that doesn’t exist in other groups - jocks, gamers, gear heads - but heavy drinkers seem to think everyone else devotes their entre waking life to the pursuit of drinking.

In my college experence (1980-1984) even the heaviest of drinkers (that didn’t drop out or end up dead) didn’t drink all the time. They had other interests. And they studied.

The large crowd in my college cafeteria at 6:00 am would put the lie to your blanket statement. Perhaps if you hadn’t drunk your way through college, you might have noticed.

Honestly, I don’t think that’s that atypical at all.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: If all you get is a “buzz”, that’s not binge drinking.

One buzz a week sounds civilized.

Binge drinking is definitely not.

Cite: I live adjacent to a college campus and it’s hard not to hit loud, stumbling jaywalkers on weekend nights (Oh, and when you slow down and swerve to just miss them, they bang on your car with slurred obscenities).