Aldebaran in Copenhagen

So, I was passing through Copenhagen last week, had a few hours to kill, so I took one of the hour-long canal tours. Along the way, we passed a beat-up old houseboat, moored in a rather industrial-type area, with the name of the near-wreck emblazoned proudly: ALDEBARAN.

I cackled immediately, before quickly remembering the local lore that our friend by the same name is reputed to live a couple hundred miles to the south and west. Maybe it is just that I’m soon approaching 1,000 posts, and maybe I have SDMB on the brain – I’m thinking about one of the characters around these parts rather than “enjoying” that horrible, horrible boat tour that set me back 50 kronors – but I imagined walking back to that houseboat just to check it out.

What would I find? Who would be there? What would I say? What would the skipper of that humble craft say to me?

The first three questions brought many interesting ideas, too many to bring up here. For the ultimate question, however, I could only think of one phrase:

“My boat is my site.”

(This is not meant to bust on you, Alde, but I just had to share my interesting experience.)