I just think we need another thread about it - to handle all the complaints.

F. I. T.

Saint Eutychus

Why thank you!

How could you even think of wearing those shoes with that top?

[[How could you even think of wearing those shoes with that top?]]

Huh. I thought adidas and tee shirts went together.

Jill, did you actually make a mistake, or were you just testing the knowledge of the Teeming Millions? :wink:

The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best. - Henry Van Dyke

There ya go, Ben. I learned that from Cecil.
(and I think I do prefer a silent forest to one full of lousy singing…)

Well, gee, Jill, you just blew my deep, thought-provoking sig line out of the water in one swell foop - now I laugh every time I see it!

How about this one?

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.