ALERT: Fox Network to Promote Misinformation

Thanks Dave99. This is the site where I first learned of this outrage. One of my regular favorite sites to visit.

Johnathon Frakes saying at the end of the Alien Autopsy the HE didn’t believe it. It’ll be humorous anyway. Revisionist Historians can be such a HOOT!

Don’t let David B. see this thread. His head is big enough already, without people calling him the master!

If hollywood can make that Apollo movie, maybe the moon landing was just a movie. WW2 was probably a movie, too.

Hey, then they could claim we are all brains-in-jars, kept there by aliens!

Reminds me of a station break during “The Critic”—“You’re watching FOX. Shame on you.”

You joke, but of course they do just that. The movie came out almost ten years after Apollo, and yet the Fox show, with a straight face, says, ``The Apollo footage is strikingly similar to the scenes in Capricorn 1.’’


Anyway, I will have a review of the show sometime next week on my website:

Man, you know it’s serious when the Bad Astronomer steps in.

Good to see you again, pal! Your site kicks much ass.

Man, you know it’s serious when the Bad Astronomer steps in.

Good to see you again, pal! Your site kicks much ass.

Geez, that’s an old article. That’s two web hosts ago! :wink:

Thanks for the compliment. And yes, it is serious, to me at least.

Wow, those are great sites. I also heard the “No stars = no moon landing” argument, and sort of thought it might be positive evidence for a second, but then I thought about it a little more and came to the “daylight exposure, therefore no stars anyway” conclusion. Besides, if you were a director, wouldn’t stars be the first thing you’d put? Hell, now that I think of it, if the photo DID have stars, it’d be mighty suspicious.

And, non-parallel shadows in the helmet reflection!? Gimme a break!

Fox better not support these idiots.

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for…holy shit, it IS cheese!”

[/Neil Armstrong outtakes]

Too late. I have seen the program (I got an advance copy through various nefarious means) and it is a completely uncritical look at the views of the complete lunatics (haha!) who believe we never went to the Moon. Their evidence is shocklingly bad, but presented in such a way that it would make sense to someone unfamiliar with what is really happening.

I am writing a page in rebuttal of the program that will go live on or maybe even before the program airs. I’ll talk about it more here on the SDMB when the time comes.

I hope this will be received in the right spirit.

I have been delving into weird paranormal and pseudo-science beliefs for (too many) years. One result is that I have acquired far too many books which might be classed as “fringe interest” if we’re being kind, or “nutcase stuff” if we’re not.

Without a doubt, the funniest of them all is “Dark Moon - Apollo and the whistle-blowers” by David S. Percy, the definitive “moon landing = hoax conspiracy” book.

I know some of you won’t consider anything about this ‘funny’. Let me be clear. I deplore the irresponsible FOX special, and these kinds of brainless, wilfully dumb attitudes being paraded as if they might have some merit. No argument there.

But the book… “Dark Moon” is so stupid, so badly-conceived, so poorly-written and offers such feeble arguments that is actualy manages to be glorious in an awfully dumb sort of way. The broader consequences of this kind of irresponsible publishing may not be funny at all, but the book itself is, and on that basis I heartily recommend it to the Teeming Millions.