Aliens built the pyramids

Someone shared this laughable image of the pyramids being built. There are so many things wrong with it, not the least of which would be the strength needed from each worker to hold up that stone. But it gave me a humorous thought, what if it turned out that an alien race showed up on earth about 3000 years ago, with 10,000 beings or so, and were immediately enslaved and forced into labor building the pyramids.

So aliens did build them, just not using their technology but their might.

This would puzzle the daylights out of the locals since they’re a millennium and a half too late for peak pyramid building.

Has anyone checked if the pyramids aren’t really made from styrofoam?

C’mon. Everyone knows the Egyptians developed color photography partway through the 3rd dynasty.

Who took the photograph?

Where’d they get the film?

Oh, wait. Cel phone…no that won’t work either.

:thinking: Hmm?

Yes, I believe the blocks were cut from the Great Styrofoam Quarries to the south.

Remember the person who joined the board to tell us about how the pyramids were built on top of fountains of natural fizzy water which rose up out of the ground, so they could use it to fill counterweight tanks to drop down one side of the pyramid and haul rocks up* the other side on a rope?

*The slight flaw in the idea is that in order to haul rocks up the pyramid, using the pyramid as the fulcrum, you have to build the pyramid first, before you start building the pyramid.

I did a little google-hopping before posting the OP, and found a claim that the rock had so much salt in it you could pour water on it and it would seep in and make it soft enough to saw.

I bet you don’t believe in perpetual motion machines, either, huh? ;~)

From aliens, silly.

Pharaoh Ramses II built them with the money he made from condiments and condominiums. Sadly, he was a-nile-ated before they were finished and he was buried with the specs in an unmarked grave.

Elsewhere, I was watching posts by a group c-lled “Fraudulent Archaeology”, and one of the points made there was that “aliens did <thing>” is the pinnacle of racism (ethnocentricity). Those people could not possibly done that, because they are so inferior to us.

Wait just a minute, according to noted historian Roland Emmerich they used mammoths. Where are the mammoths, that’s what I want to know.

I have it on good authority that the pyramids were built for grain storage and the mummies were placed in them as scarecrows.

I’m citing Dr. Ben Carson, republican candidate for president (not selected) who became a respected Cabinet Officer under 45’s administration due to his expertise in selecting dining room furniture.

Yeah, each worker would be splattered in a split second by that weight.

Ew… reminds this gal:

I can’t get this song out of my head.

Here in Arkansas we have the Plum Bayou Mounds Archological State Park formerly known as Toltec Mounds. You might think to yourself the Totecs were nowhere near Arkansas, and you’d be right, but some folks in the 19th century didn’t think the local natives could have built the mounds there. In a way, they were right. The native civilization that built the mounds pretty much disappeared in the 11th century.

While I do think there’s a whiff of racism in some of those ancient alien theories, I think it’s also because people are in awe of what was accomplished even thousands of years ago. I’ve never been to Egypt, but their ancient structures are awe inspiring and that’s not limited to the pyramids alone. I could very well see someone who wasn’t well educated arriving in Egypt and coming to the conclusion these people couldn’t have built it. That something must have been lost between those days and today.

I was watching a standup comedian of Indian descent say the whitest thing she ever did was visit India to find herself.

Is she well known? I heard “Burning Man’s Final Boss”

Ramses II also invented and sold condoms. Unfortunately at the time they were made from woven papyrus leaves, so they were both prickly and leaky. Despite a royal decree that every male over the age of sixteen must carry one in his wallet and display it to his friends, they were not a big seller.

On top of which, nobody knew what the hell a “wallet” was.