"All About That Bass": harmless pop song or insult?

A “silicone Barbie doll” is a pretty specific look, not just being thin. I don’t think she’s taking about the willowy redhead or the skinny Vietnamese lady here.

The most disturbing thing to me is how not-fat the woman singing the praises of big booty is. Martha Wash she ain’t. Hell, Adele she ain’t.

Yes, this. I’m all about my bass because I like the strength and the look and feel of my curves (on the days I’m feeling body positive, that is. Other days I hate my body like a good fat chick). I don’t like my curves because, “oh well, *someone *will still sleep with me anyway…the rest can move along…”

The skinny bitches slam does bother me a bit, because I do know skinny women who are hurt by the kind of body “positivity” thing that unthinkingly and unintentionally shames them, instead. That’s not cool.

But mostly it’s cause I want my daughter to like her body for her, not because it will get her laid.

After literally (and I mean literally literally) being stuck in my head for two weeks, though, I stopped being pissed off by the content and started getting pissed off about the infectiousness.

I don’t really care, it’s a fun song. My 2 1/2 year old grand daughter and I have a blast with it when we hear it.

I was about to be offended by the “skinny bitches” part when I heard the song (And I am the opposite of that. I’m a fat nice girl.) But the lyric is:

I’m bringing booty back
Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that
No I’m just playing. I know you think you’re fat
But I’m here to tell ya
Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top

So, we’re cool.

There were people who got upset with Randy Newman’s “Short People”. The more things change the more they stay the same.

She’s just upset about the time her boyfriend told her his anaconda don’t want none unless she’s got buns.

It doesn’t offend me; I just find it a little trite. But then, the “everyone is beautiful!” message tends to rub me the wrong way. It’s nice in theory, but the cynic in me finds it a little self-congratulatory. If everyone’s beautiful, does that word really mean anything?

I’ve only heard this song on Radio Disney, via my daughter.

I realized it was edited but had no idea how much. I had assumed they removed a few curse words, but instead, removed entire portions. Maybe because I tend to tune out the music on this station (no pun intended), but I really had no idea it was about body acceptance.

Usually their edits remove drug, sex and/or serial killers (Katy Perry’s Dark Horse), but keep the song’s message.


All of her song are. At least the ones I’ve heard.

It’s not a zero-sum game. Almost anyone (barring a physical disability) can be in shape if they just work at it. I personally am prone to chubbiness and have had to work very hard to watch my portion control and work out very hard to stay in good shape despite the fact that I find exercise tedious and have a hard time finding time to fit it into my schedule.

What are her other songs? I really liked this one , and I’d like to hear more of her oeuvre, if they sound similar.

False dichotomy.

I like it. Catchy tune.

I don’t think I’d ever heard the song before, because the sound of it hadn’t penetrated the rock I live under. I tried to listen to it, but I had to stop halfway through because her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Now, that was pretty cool.

If you’ll excuse me, I think I hear someone on my lawn.

Meghan could stand to lose 25 or 30.
Just sayin’.

So can anyone explain to me the meaning of “bass” and “treble” in the song? Are they supposed to be euphemisms for fat and skinny? If they are I’ve never heard them used that way before, but I’ve never been very up-to-date on this kind of thing.

I take it to mean bass - the low part of a song = booty - the low part of the anatomy. Not as sure about the treble part, as following the above reasoning would mean treble refers to breasts and I don’t think Ms. Trainor is out right eschewing the bustline.

I don’t know but in music, the bass stuff is kind of “heavy” you know? A bass clef is round, the notes are big, etc. If you were to draw cartoon characters of low notes and high notes, I would probably expect the low notes to be a bit big and lumbering and the high notes to be small and light and quick.

Is that a song or a band name? :smiley: