All Hail Cecil on the Glorious 30-year Anniversary of His First Column!

Hey, why should believe anything this guy with only 107 posts says? Newbie!



There is only one God, Cecil Adams is his name and the Teeming Millions are his prophets.

I grok Cecil.

I’m posting in the same thread as Cecil. Hurray for me!

Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary, and may you have many more.

I thought this might be an interesting time to tell you about some heretics at my school…they worship our theatre teacher as if she is the perfect one. Like anyone could ever achieve Cecilism.* They need to be shown the light!


Hey, why not make it a word?

Convert them! Show them the light and lead them from the errors of their ways! Bring them into the fold by teaching them of the Perfect Master’s ignorance fighting ways!

Go forth, and cite all the more.

::appropriately reverential smiley::

Hi Cecil!
I wave in your general direction.

Piker. Don’t just wave! throws money, chocolate and alcohol in Cecil’s general direction

Yeah, but where’s Aaron Russo now?

aldi. While one would love to think that Aaron sank into oblivion, the sad fact is he went on to fame and fortune.


I’m happy to report approximately 20 years of reading, although there was a break in the 90s till the net version appeared. Started with the Isthmus in Madison.

Cecil! Cecil!
Rah Rah Rah!

All hail the mighty Unca Cece!

Happy Anniversary!

Boy, it’s taken way longer than we thought.

And a happy 25th anniversary of editing the Cecer to Ed Zotti.

Ed, what was the first article you edited for Cecil?

Hail, Cecer!