As I mentioned in this thread, my car was broken, needing a new carburetor, and my dear friend Weirddave volunteered to go to a junkyard and yank a carb off of another car to fix mine. He came over on Wednesday night to attempt to get the carb off my car so he could compare it to the one on the junker car, but had trouble with some of the bolts–apparently, the engineers at the Honda factory used some odd kind of tools available only to them, because some of the bolts were underneath other parts and almost inaccessible. Dave not only found a suitable carburetor, he went to a body shop and had a wrench bent to a 75° angle so he could get at the bolts. He came over today with the new carb and got it on my car.
So now my car runs again!!! It needs a tuneup now because of the new carb, but my baby is running again! I am sooooo happy.
Weirddave is one of the very few Dopers I’ve met, and I thought he was a heck of a guy based on that one evening. A toast to Weirddave, a man among men!
Weirddave, you are, I suppose, aware that knights in shining armor are somewhat rare these days? Whaddya trying to do, start a trend? Make the rest of us mortals look bad?
Weirddave helped my son with his algebra homework. And he deadheaded my rosebushes. Anbd when I offered him one of my beers, he went out and bought better stuff, and shared it with me.
I would agree, except…I told your son that “X” in 3X+2=11 solves to 22, I clipped the last 12 good roses to give to a woman so she’d sleep with me, and as to the beer…Well, I’m as patriotic as the next guy, but even I’m not drinking Red White and Blue. It has to be something good…like Busch. ;)