All Musician Dopers READ THIS NOW!

I there any sort of time limit here? My home studio is in sort of a non-functional state at the moment. I see if I can put something togeather.

Rats. My husband is a blues guitar player, and by his own admission, he’s not the best writer. He mostly does covers. I know he’s got a couple of originals, though–I’ll see what I can get him to do.

As for him joining, that wouldn’t fall under the “multiple screen name” rule, would it? We’ve only got one computer, and my only access to the boards is from home. If it’s okay with the Powers What Be, I’ll see if he wants to join.

[sub]that may take a little work, though…I know he lurks occasionally, and honestly, I think he’s a little petrified…[/sub]

I got two packages in thus far. The first came from Meephead and the second from the venerable pldennison. Phil gets bonus points for including a 7" single! Vinyl rules! If it was colored vinyl, he would be in the clear as best Doper musician… Without even listening! :wink:

Still waiting on more music to review from the folks I sent e-mails too…

And if you want to be included and are just reading about this now, shoot me an e-mail post haste!

Well, Euty e-mailed me asking how I was doing. And I still only have two sumbissions here!

I ned at least a few more packages or I’ll have to wait until the next issue.

Come on, guys: You don’t want to perpetuate the myth that all musicians are lazy, do ya? :wink:

I emailed you the link to where you can download my bands mp3’s if that helps.

Aw, c’mon, Brian! Everybody knows that the absolutely best reference any heavy-metal band can have is praise from Satan – you’d be spoiling the ideal album-cover blurb! :smiley: