All religious people should be executed

Nope. TubaDiva, uh,exorcised him.

Them Jews are already dead. So we’re good.

You sho talk fancy for a sociopath. Bet ya got a purty mouth too. :smiley:

So, I just popped over here from GQ…



Talk about selective outrage.

Maybe if we wait long enough, God will send a sign…

6-story Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning, burns to the ground.

That’s God weighing into the thread on my side.

You gotta admire God. He doesn’t bother with all these nancy arguments, he just gets straight to the point.

And you still lost. That oughta tell you something.

I’m not religoius - but damn, I might say I am if I can choose this method of buying the farm.

Please line up Jessica Alba, Kristy Arnett (keep the poker connection), Charlize Theron, and Maria Sharapova. I’m ready to go as soon as they are.

This is why they invented the guillotine. Apparently its painless and relatively inexpensive.

As an Ahteist I feel left out of being in a group willing to kill others for their religious beliefs, so I’m in.

Yeah, but I’m sure you’ll get an Green atheist complaining about blood pollution or if the blade is not made from recycled steel.

Dude, atheists are experts on that. Tens of millions of victims can’t be wrong.

Tens of millions of religious people were not killed just because they refused to be atheists.

You’re right; they were killed simply because they were religious.

Really? Wow! I’m unaware of tens of millions of religious people being killed by atheists simply because of their religion. I mean you’re talking a few holocausts there. How have I missed this important part of world history?

It’s the standard Communists = atheists, therefor atheists are mass murderers routine. Of course, they are carefully ignoring the fact that the common feature among such mass murders was communism, not atheism, and the distinct lack of the mass murder of theists by countries that are have atheists in power but aren’t Communist. That’s why they always have to bring up communism; they need something they can use to smear atheism since they have no good, honest arguments against it. They occasionally try to pretend that Nazism was an atheistic movement too.

And naturally the same people who blame atheism for the mass murders committed in the name of communism almost always insist that you can’t blame religion for the massacres committed in its name.

Yep, I was being facetious. I love the communist atheist mass murderer meme. An honest to goodness skeptic could argue that Stalinism or Maoism were religions themselves, eh? Sure Mao didn’t create the universe but he was worshiped as a god. When he died, he returned to the Tao to have a special seat among the most respected ancestors. It ain’t atheism when adherents make Mao temples to pray to him after his death. Then there’s the little red Mao bibles that everyone carried around. Don’t get me started on 'Lil Kim. :eek:

Do you mean Kim Jong Il or La Bella Mafia? Because I’m willing to worship one of them.

Hard to say. Both of them are singing stars.

After reading the first few posts, I’ve decided that the best way to carry out an execution on such a massive scale is to convince the religious peoples that the second coming is occuring, and Jesus wants them to do something that will be inevitably fatal in order to procede with him to heaven in the near future. What actor will play Jesus?

It’s the standard “Avowed atheists are not atheists because they are inconvenient to my atheism” and “Atheists working together for an atheistic ieology are actually religious because they behave like that”. Nice justification because it basically denies even the mental posibility of atheists comitting crimes as a group.
I’m sure a similar response would happen even if the batshit crazy OP was carried out.