I say this as someone who lost a grandmother to the disease.
ENOUGH with the PINK already. Especially in the NFL. Pink shoes, pink baseball hats, pink THIS pink THAT. One week, fine. But must I have my eyes assaulted with that horrible color the entire month? It really, really looks ridiculous to see a big burly NFL football player wearing pink sweatbands. Or a NASCAR vehicle painted bright pink. There’s even a high school football team that bought all pink football uniforms. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Look, it’s very nice that the NFL is doing this, and but what about other diseases? How about we all dress in brown for Colon Cancer Month? I lost a father and a brother to leukemia, how about I wear white all the time (as in “white blood cell” GET IT?). Why not a Leukemia Awareness Month?
And no, I don’t need the tasteless “Men you know you like a womans tits” commercials I’ve seen out there. Or demolition derby cars painted pink saying “Save the Ta-Tas”. Just because its done in a good cause is no excuse for inappropriateness.
And just exactly what does all this wearing pink accomplish? Does it really raise that much money? It cant be to remind women to get exams----since most of the NASCAR and NFL audience is male. Why do I suspect this is some sort of effort at political correctness? “We may be big macho football players and good 'ol boy race car drivers, but we aint afraid to do something girly to show we care about the wimmens!”
Maybe it’s because if you dare say anything like this., it means you are a misogynist or something, but according to the CDC, heart disease is the number one killer of women. Why not a Heart Disease in Women Awareness Month? Stroke and respiratory illnesses kill more women or about as many women as breast cancer on an annual basis. Why arent NFL players swearing special shoes and sweatbands for a Stroke Awareness Month?
Also breast cancer accounts for less than 10% of all cancer deaths in women. What about the other cancers? Lung cancer? Stomach cancer? Ovarian cancer?
Look, I’m not saying that Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a BAD thing. And I understand certain diseases have stronger advocacy groups than others because of the people behind the movement, regardless of actual fatalities.
But isn’t making people wear pink for an entire month . . . when you know they are going to be too nice to say no . . .a BIT much?