Time has certainly passed since the last time I posted in these forums or said anything of significance. One thing has been annoying me for the last year or two and that is the concept of religion and its existence.
Although I may seem premature and inadequate to begin a logical construction of good argument (ironic that Philosophy is an area I am interested in for college), I will do my best to explain my thoughts and questions. (simple responses work well from u other posters)
- Does religion exist? Is the concept of religion purely “spiritual” as in belief of a higher being?
Over the years I have gradually pulled away from the idea that religion exists in spiritual terms due to the vast amount of world history and science I have been exposed to during my high school years. World history has shown me the countless conflicts due to religious fanaticism. I was in disbelief as realized the many patterns of wars, strifes, and continued violence all because religion played a major role. I have taken most of these thoughts from a scientific perspective, since science has clearly and evidently provided the necessary elements to understanding our natural world in ways that make sense since they are <b>predictable</b>.
Too much of anything is bad. Therefore, I hypothetically proposed a world where there was no such thing “spiritual religion” where religion was just a system of simple morals and ethics to guide someone through their role in society. If religion exists to purify the soul into communication with a higher being and to become good for the sake of good, why does the violence still continue? If religion didn’t have all the diverse variations (Islam, Protestant, etc.), would we still continue to have the problems of yesterday? It seems to me that there are too many conflicts of interest concerning religion that defeats the whole purpose of religion.
- Is the Bible of Christianity truly the product of a Higher Being?
The link above showed me a quick review of the bible in terms of subject matter and other relevant facts to our world today. The “backwards” terms and phrases are faulty, no doubt, but their antideluvian meaning boggles my mind. If the bible was meant to continue to spritualize a person, why do they contain such arachaic terms? Most people tend to consider the King James Version the authoratative Christian textbook on life, but with all of these misgivings and erroneous lines, how truthful is Christianity? What hard proof is there (where is the covenant, the ark, the holy grail, the evidence)? Can we believe in the <b>predictability</b> of religion and in the prophecies in the bible?
- I have one analogy that has helped try to understand my view of the world: the allegory of the cave. (Those of you who are unfamiliar with the Allegory of the cave…http://faculty.washington.edu/smcohen/320/cave.htm)
In my interpretation, like every other human being, we are chained down and forced to view the world with a surrealistic perspective. Until one breaks away from the norm and finds his or her own true meaning (purpose for existing), a person will forever be blinded by something he/she never truly understood. I dislike people who do not question who they are, what they believe in, why do they do the things they do, etc. because they are blinding themselves to being, to exisiting, to living. My questions is now…
Does it matter they we believe in a religion at all? There is no point because all religions all aim at the same aspect: to reach heaven, which has no support of truth.
Do people feel better or less depressed when they believe in a Higher Being or Destination? Are people chaining themselves likewise the prisoners in the Allegory of the Cave?
Thanks for reading…and thanks for replying, if any of you do.