Alpha Centauri successor Pandora: First Contact

A developer called Proxy Games recently released a spiritual successor to Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri. It doesn’t appear to break any new ground in the 4X genre and has a fairly high price ($34 Australian for the download), so I’ll hold off until I learn more about it. I know there are other fans of AC here, though, so I thought I’d make a thread.

Order site & description:

Seems there’s only a few reviews so far, and nothing at all on Metacritic. The reviews I checked were positive, calling out a bad manual and weak AI opponents as negatives.

Very interesting. I love SMAC/SMAX to death, and still play it from time to time. It looks like they’re ripping off both SMAC and Civ V; I hope they don’t draw too much from the latter.

Is this Pandora, as in the world of Avatar?

Do the drones still need you, still look up to you?

Compared to SMAC, I think 99.9% of games had a bad manual. Wasn’t that the game that came with a 250+ page manual, complete with backstory?

If they’d landed that big a license, you wouldn’t have to ask if they’d landed that big a license.

No. There are no "wonder"s to build. There are faction-wide achievement buffs you can get, but it’s done using the research mechanics, and not the city production ones. Each faction can discover them for themselves, no one is blocked by not winning the race.

Well, fuck that. It’s like playing Warcraft without the “zug zug!”