Am I a Monster?

I was not aware that many wasps predated on bees. (I know that yellow jackets do, but I did not think it was a trait of the genus.)

Our vicary used to simply hum with bees for 16 hours of daylight for two weeks each June. I have only seen a single honey bee (last fall) in the last four years. I don’t deliberately destroy anything that might engage in pollination.

!. Yes, there is a screen on my window, but I have doubts about its ability to keep out wasps determined to get at my tender mammalian hide. I’ve seen flying bugs in my house before. They must know how to get around the screen barrier.

  1. The window is not near a place we use often, except when mowing the grass or trimming the hedge. But the wasps fly, and could be lurking just outside any door on my house without me knowing until I step out into their evil ambush of stinging.

  2. Winter, huh. Our winter temperatures average in the 50s. Think that will kill them?

On the other hand, their little nest is cleverly designed and they seem so attentive and hard-working. I would root for their success if they weren’t invading MY window.

My cats have also noticed the industrious little critters and Nanami (my Siamese) will sit on the monitor and watch them for hours. Of course. I think she sees them as potential snacks.

Wasp spray will work from 10 feet away? I’m not sure 10 feet is far enough. I’m leaning toward the nuke 'em from space suggestion.