Am I damaging my eyes?

I use visine constantly. I use it so my eyes will not be bloodshot anymore. I’m 17 and smoke marijuana at least 5 times a week. I get red eyes almost everytime I smoke. When it is time to go home and my eyes are red I always put a drop of visine in my eyes. Is it safe to be using visine so much?

I’m sorry to be the first person to reply to this, given what I’m about to say, but:

You’re inhaling hot, probably carcinogenic gases into your lungs on a regular basis and you’re worried about your eyes?


Dang, you beat me in, KTK. But I was planning on being more sarcastic … “I have a similar problem. I beat my head against a stone wall until it bleeds just about every day, then I go put Bactine on the cuts. I’m concerned about the regular Bactine usage causing long term health problems. Does anyone have any advice?”

It is possible to become addicted to Visine, and then the small blood vessels in your eyes won’t ever dilate without the vasoconstrictor in Visine. Go easy on the stuff.

If your going to be sarcastic take it to the pit. I was asking a legitimate question. I didn’t ask a question about inhaling hot carcinogenic gases into my lungs. I asked a question about visine usage. BTW, thanks for the advice Chas.E. Damn SCSimmons you have serious problems. I don’t know anyone like you. A real rare one.

When in doubt, read the label.

Visine label information:

More Visine info:

I have been a pharmaceutical sales representative since 1988 and, oddly enough, I used to sell both Rx and OTC ophthalmic drops… one of which was an OTC (initially Rx) "eye-redness reliever’, among other things.
You are absolutley setting yourself up for chronic red eyes, the very thing that you are trying to avoid, with chronic use of Visine.
Visine, and similar products whiten the conjunctiva by vasoconstriction of the tiny blood vessels which nourish your eye.
Chronic application of the mild vasoconstrictor (tetrahydrozoline) will lead to a situation where your vessels/arteries/capillaries will not respond at all… and NOTHING you do will work! The ophthalmologists call the phenomenon “rebound congestion” and the ONLY way to get back to a point where it will work, is to completely lay off for a prolonged period.
I know from personal experience the very thing you are experiencing. I went thru a phase (prior to the eye-drop sales job), where I was really loving drinking red wine every night. Red wine gives me red eyes, which are embarrassing and unsightly, so I was using Visine multiple times per evening, to get my eyes white… I got to a point that my eyes would NOT get white with Visine! They stayed red all the time.
I had to lay off the red wine AND the Visine to get normal looking eyes again.
Furthermore, I am friends with a Registered Nurse who uses Visine chronically, with absolutely no effect whatsoever… her eyes are always red, and the therapy she keeps trying is only making the problem worse, not better!
Notice that I did not scold you over your pot usage, as I would rather answer the question you posed, with (possibly) unique info that you may only get from an ophthalmologist. Good luck with this. I have been there.