Am I that old?

**MsRobyn, 9/10/01, 1:24 PM CST:



heraldgwena again, 9/11/01, 1:15 AM CST:


I know it’s not an eerie coincidence that people were talking about war in the early hours of 9/11/01, since someone, somewhere, is always talking about war. I also know we’re not talking about nukes (yet). Just wanted to highlight the last hypothetical talk on the subject.

[cough] born 1953 [cough]

I remember steam trains.

I remember telling my parents President Kennedy had been shot, and being startled by their reaction.

I remember the Berlin Wall going up … and coming down! :smiley:

I remember getting our first television, when I was 8 years old. (It was black and white, naturally).
I remember when the third British TV channel started up. (We’ve got 5 channels now!)

I remember hacking the University computer, using punched cards. (The machine filled a large room).
I remember teaching George3. Apparently George1 had an operating system of 4K. (Eat your heart out, Bill Gates!).
I remember the first Mac in the office. It had … icons!
cd my_documents - this was the way we used to tell computers to open a directory.
I remember when you waited 24 hours for your job to run on the mainframe. (The output was posted to you).
I remember buying my first home computer. It ran at a breathtaking 16MHZ. It cost $8,000.

I remember the Beatles and the Who.

I would tell you more, but the old memory bank isn’t so reliable these days!

I remember when there was no such thing as a xerox. I remember when all radio was AM. I remember when none of the girls’ hair fit in their yearbook photos. I remember using juice cans as hair rollers. I remember when cars were designed only for big men. (I had to look UNDER the top of the steering wheel.) I remember when the kids favorite singing groups actually used to SING. Call me an old fart.

Oh - and I remember when graphic designers used to called typesetters.