Am I the only one who finds the NSFW thread kinda creepy?

That thread is utterly legendary. If I ever want to cheer myself up again I’ll just have to look at the picture in the OP. As others have said, the fact that claims of an artistic vision are being made just makes it even funnier.

In all honesty though, I do find that most artistic photos have the date burnt in by the digital camera in bright orange digits.

…and only the classicly trained have any chance at producing art :rolleyes:

I like the thread. I find nudity interesting. Whether a person looks like a model or not is irrelevant to me, because my interest is not sexually motivated, even if the poster’s intention was to arouse.

I agree with NinetyWt. My purpose in being on the Dope is to explore and learn more about myself, my reactions to things, etc. Practically every thread here does that, so I don’t mind any of the threads, even the ones I refuse to open.

And where did I say that exactly?

This message is for the idiot who sent me an email containing naked Doper pictures. I applaud your civic sensibilities and all the effort you put into labelling those five photographs (Comic Sans, no less!). I’d mentioned somewhere that I hadn’t clicked on any of the images, and boy, you sure showed me, huh? Cheers on a job well done. You may now proceed to (a) grow up, (b) get a life, and/or © fuck off and die. I’ve heard Option C works exceedingly well for people like you.

On the plus side, I had no idea my email was visible to all and sundry, so that’s been disabled.

Well, that is certainly depressing. :frowning:

I don’t have my email posted, if I did, I would not have been surprised if someone did it to me too.

Asshole, whoever sent that.

With apologies to the Potter Puppet Pals…

Oh, Snapikins, let them have their flapdoodle.

You’re fucking kidding me!! Someone did that? :mad:

I (obviously) support the thread, but that’s largely because of the “you don’t have to look if you don’t want to” thing. The fact that someone “made you look” is inexcusable. Truly jerkish.

I certainly hope you forwarded the email to the powers that be. I hope they ban his (or her) sorry ass.

Ditto. What a jerk!

Thirded–ban 'em, that’s jerkishness.

As for my feelings on the NSFW thread:


Wow. That’s bordering on cyberstalking.

This is precisely how I feel. Especially those who haven’t even bothered to change the URLs to get their names out of there. I don’t particularly like the fact that the SDMB is Google-indexed, but I’m pretty careful not to post things that would identify me, nor have I ever posted any truly outrageous confessions. I did end up in some DopeFest shots—clothed, mind you—and I’m well aware that anyone who saw one would recognize me and could well search my posts and find out all sorts of things about me. Adding nudity to the equation just seems short-sighted.