Am I the only one who gnaws off his fingerprints to avoid detection?

This just in:

They fingered him anyway.

Once again, freedom has slipped through his fingers.

Some people just can’t finger it out…

He couldn’t hide that from the FBI anyway …

Some day his prints will come.

That’s really giving the criminal the finger.

His prints just go into a file for mangled/altered prints, no? Which makes him easier to find… I thought.

That guy needs to get a grip.

Of course not. No-one is ever the “only one” in one of these “Am I the only one?” threads.

It’s a SDMB cliche.

And it must be true because I saw it in the pit :smiley:

When using sandpaper (cabinetmaker checking in here) one often abrades one’s fingerprints enough to render them smooth.
I hate that!
It’s actually very difficult to lift things without fingerprints. Every object, every apple, or cup, or whatever, has to be grasped firmly and lifted with care. Day in day out, we all lift small objects, never guessing how significantly our fingerprints help out. When they’re gone, you sure do miss 'em. Fortunately they regenerate quickly.

This could just be the tip of the iceberg.

Hey, I’m trying dammit!

I haven’t before, but now I might give it a whorl.

Another criminal unable to eliminate the digital trail.