Am I the only one who's not !OUTRAGED! over the death of Cecil the lion?

There is a picture of Cecil, what was left of him, on Twitter. It sickened me and I’ve watched my ram lambs slaughtered right in front of me without any upset.

Yes, I support PETA fully on the protection and fair treatment of mosquitoes. And I do like it when the naked PETA girls stretch out on the city sidewalks.

Yes! I was once upset about three things at once.

Wait, how do you know Donald Trump’s going to say something stupid next week? You can’t know that! :confused:

For a certain definition of wild, anyway.

Well, it was outdoors anyway.

The easiest way to get the internet to collectively hate you is to kill charismatic megafauna. That or punt cats into a river.

He shot it with his crossbow, then they tracked it for 40 hrs, before mercifully ending its life by shooting it. 40 hrs!

How is that anything but a hunting fail? He’s a long time big game hunter, and this is okay with him? And why are the hunters defending him, not acknowledging THAT?

You wouldn’t let someone treat your dog or horse, you were putting down, in this fashion. It’s unconscionable. Period.

The killing of the lion is a terrible act. Interesting how the public shaming of the asshat who did it is the social media version of the same act? We see him getting doxxed and shamed and feel like we’re watching a nature film of pirahnas taking apart a capybara.

One tweet I read about was the hashtag #catlivesmatter.

I side with the outrage, but I don’t like the use of that phrase, or the intensity of the shaming.

Surprised no-one’s mentioned that the tens of thousands of dollars he paid for this hunt mostly goes to conservation work… Big game hunters are one of the largest funders of conservation work overall (so they keep having stuff to hunt, presumably), and in my opinion anyone who’s not donated that sort of money to help endangered animals should shut the fuck up about someone doing more to help them than you are.

Yes, I find hunting for sport ugly. But, so fucking what? I don’t like it, so I don’t indulge in it. That’s the extent that it affects me.

Cecil is just the latest crisis du jour for people to get their knickers in a knot over.

The guy is a dickwad and now we all know the details. I’m guessing his clientele will take their business elsewhere. The internet works!

Ah, I’m not overcome with outrage at this incident. I’m not saying that he isn’t a jerk. I’m not a hunter myself, but I can understand hunting for something you’re going to eat. Hunting just for a trophy, unless there’s some needed population control (yes, it can happen) going on strikes me as just stupid.

What sort of punishments can courts give? Capital punishment, imprisonment, fines, corporal punishment. This guy’s getting some public shaming and professional shunning. For this lion incident, unless there’s a extradition request that’s granted, that’s about all that’s going to happen to him.

Kaiser Wilhelm liked to shoot animals-in one day he killed dozens of deer. Beaters would drive the animals toward his shooting spot, and he would blast away. Nobody thought anything of that, back then. As for Cecil-he was already past the life span for a lion in the wild. So in balance, no big effect.

I am outraged enough to post to this thread, but no more.


Why would someone mention that piece of propaganda from the trophy-fuckwad complex?

I hope this asshole dies in a fire.

I’m with you. I’m all for hunting for the meat; to thin out herds as necessary, etc. I never understood hunting for sport. It’s just not… very sporting. Lions aren’t on the endangered specieslist. At the end of the day, it’s unfortunate that it happened, but I think there are a lot more directions in which to focus that anger.

It would be more sporting if it were more evenly matched. Like maybe hand-to-hand, or hand-to-paw.

Trophy hunting is the lowest form of “hunting”, especially in these circumstances. This was a habituated animal from a game preserve that had little fear of humans; the guy may as well have been hunting cows. I’ve been on a few photo safaris in Africa and the animals are pretty much oblivious to humans in vehicles. The men who lured this animal to its death deserve their punishment as poachers. The “hunter” deserves our scorn for killing an animal just for the trophy. It’s blood lust, and it’s disgusting.

I’m a hunter who has criticized him for incompetence. But I don’t trophy hunt; it’s conceivable the standards are different among people who do.

As they’re fuckwits.