Am I the only one who's not !OUTRAGED! over the death of Cecil the lion?

Yeah, that was pretty over the top and clearly a pander to the glurge-loving public.

See? Marco Rubio’s with me.

Well, except I like Planned Parenthood.

I think a lot of this outrage is misdirected.

Is this dentist/trophy hunter the real villain here? Or is it the government that permits trophy hunting of these animals?
IMHO, our dentist is simply a pawn. And if anyone really screwed up, it was his guides. They are the ones that hunters hire for their knowledge and expertise of the animal being hunted. From the sounds of it, they are the guilty ones in this particular case.
If you are opposed to trophy hunting, then the government is the guilty one.

Trophy hunting, as well as hunting for game, happens all over this world. I used to hunt years ago, but gave it up for a variety of reasons. I’ve known guys, and girls, that traveled the world to hunt. If you didn’t know the type of hunters they were, you would have no outrage towards them. They were simply the average guy/girl next door.

The strangest response to this incident came from PETA. Apparently they want the guy executed! WTF! I know PETA comes across a little strange at times, but really now, isn’t that response a little over the top?

Anyways, I’m not outraged by this incident, mainly because I hear the word OUTRAGE just a little too often lately. There’s always somebody OUTRAGED about something!

And one more thing. Somehow the anti-abortionists jumped into this story. WTF again!

It’s barely a blip on my radar.

This is worse, more personal
and I like horses better than I like lions

Well, that’s what sport hunters are like. It’s not an aspect of hunting I particularly approve of. If it’s in conjunction with either population control, food, or both I can live with it but… well, that’s what trophy hunting is, taking trophies.

I grew up with a trophy-hunting family in the neighborhood - who felt very strongly they should eat what they shoot (the wife had a lot to say about “that goddamned polar bear we were eating for two years”). Oddly enough, they managed to engage in the “sport” without shooting endangered species or getting into legal trouble… but then, they were the sort who if they couldn’t do something legally they wouldn’t do it.

This dentist, who can’t seem to stay out of legal trouble, is just a jerk.

Actually - what most likely will happen now is that he will be replaced in the pride by another male and any immature cubs of his will be killed and eaten by the new male. This is also causing much outrage. Nevermind it’s what lions do and would have happened eventually anyway.

The thing is, that’s enough money to tempt people into doing what they shouldn’t. Even in a first world country, in Zimbabwe the temptation is no doubt greater.

Which is why there should be an investigation - did or didn’t the dentist know? Did he look the other way? Why didn’t his guides go after a legal lion?

Settling a claim out of court doesn’t exactly make it a “fact” that he’s guilty (although it certainly doesn’t look good).

More of a point is that he has already been convicted of illegally killing a black bear in Wisconsin (he had a permit to kill it within a certain area, killed it outside that area, then lied to the authorities about where he killed it). That demonstrates a certain disregard for the law in these situations.

Like Saint Sebastian!

I didn’t hear much of the story at first and misheard the hunter’s name as Ballmer. I was temporarily surprised that Steve Ballmer had shot an adult lion at the Windows 10 rollout. I always figured him more of a clubbing baby seals type.

How was he pretending? He DID kill the lion in the wild.

Man, that Microsoft-Apple rivalry is getting out of hand.

If it’s acceptable to shoot someone to avenge a dead lion how do you know the dentist didn’t shoot Cecil to avenge all the baby lions Cecil had undoubtedly killed over his lifetime? Or maybe he was doing it to avenge all the cheetah cubs, impala fawns, and zebra foals that Cecil heartlessly killed. Cecil gets a pass on all the hyenas I’m sure he killed though. Hyenas are giant feminists weasels and are not to be trusted.

The short answer is people tend to react emotionally when it comes to animals rather than rationally. Do you know how many vegetarian girls I know who own cats or dogs? There’s no reasoning with them.

I would compare this story to people being outraged that ISIS is destroying historical sites in Syria and Iraq. Knocking down an old building is pretty tame compared to selling captives into sexual slavery or burning them alive. But depriving future generations the chance to see something particularly majestic is its own form of heinous. And that’s what lion poachers are doing.

Still though, I wouldn’t support extraditing him to Zimbabwe. Everyone deserves a fair trial, and even convicted felons retain certain rights, and people are unlikely to get those things in the train wreck of a country that Mugabe has turned Zimbabwe into.

It’s not bothering me at all. Not him in particular anyway.

I was assuming internet bows and arrow, which, being virtual, cause less than mortal wounds.

Sounds like a typical PETA response to me.

Yeah, there are a lot of assholes, and this coward is only one, but he deserves every bit of the shit he is getting.

My real last name means “lion”, but no, I’m not exactly outraged. I wouldn’t spend five seconds near the furry monster without expecting to be mauled to death.

That being said, this dentist is an asshat. Total pussy paying guides, 50 grand and then illegally luring it out of preserve? How would he not know about Cecil’s status around the area? They sell t-shirts of the animal! I say fine his ass big time and keep him out of Zimbabwe and hunting altogether.

So killing a lion makes you a “coward” now? Back in my day, it was kind of considered “bad ass”.
Then again, in my day we used to kill them with our bare hands.

Back in my day, we used to crush them to death with our enormous testes.

You do know PETA is opposed to killing mosquitoes right? They would prefer people die of disease rather than a mosquito holocaust occur.

For the record: Link to an example article (from Miami New Times; there are many others out there).

An angel’s smile is what he’d sell…
Now Jimmy Kimmel’s done put him through Hell:stuck_out_tongue:

While I’m sure that many people on here think Cecil Adams first, I can’t :dubious: that the only famous Cecil from that region of the world I can think of is this guy, who exemplified “the white man’s burden.”. Maybe the name unrelated, as Zimbabwe isn’t exactly fond of its colonial history, but I can’t think that the racist lion had it coming :).