Amalgam paranoia wrong font

Are you being poisoned by your silver tooth fillings?.

User response.

Second paragraph.

Should be italicized.


Staccato no

We will not

Let you go

(In a rush to make sure you were the first that pointed it out? :P)


What should be fixed is Cecil’s response to Mr. Anecdote, who says:

“What a lot of people fail to realize is that having toxic metals in your body in any amount is not good for you.”

This is a classic failure to recognize that anything is toxic once the dose is high enough (including oxygen and water), and conversely that minute amounts of “toxins” are often entirely innocuous.

As regards amalgam fillings, surprisingly little has changed since 1986, when the column was written. There’s still a lack of good evidence that these fillings cause mercury toxicity, and people are still being duped by quacks into painful removal of their amalgam fillings and replacement with resin fillings which (surprise!) are full of chemicals which are TOXIC. :eek: in high enough dose.

All available scientific evidence indicates there is no measurable health risk from amalgam fillings, but this comparison is still ridiculous.

Mercury is toxic and water and oxygen aren’t. It takes a certain level of mercury to cause health problems, and a large enough amount of water or oxygen could cause health problems too, but this analogy is like saying “Dynamite in the building? Well if someone dropped a 500 gallon barrel of plain water on your head that would kill you just the same as dynamite. Why investigate if that storage building with traces of dynamite in it might pose a risk to the neighborhood while nobody cares that all these swimming pools and water tanks stand around unchecked?”.

It turns out the traces of mercury aren’t enough to pose a danger, but there was certainly justification for studying the amounts of mercury released into the system from dental fillings based the highly toxic nature of mercury and the fact that any at all leeches into the system.

I just wanted to point out

Um, no. Cecil names no names and leaves wiggle words all over the place. Besides, Cecil’s column is in print, so the closest they could try for would be libel.

I have a personal story with regards to the fillings.

About 5 years ago I broke a filling which brought me to a new dentist. Over the years my teeth had been getting more and more sensitive, which had lead me to stop even routine dental cleanings because they were painful. My old dentist was unsympathetic and told me it was age kicking in and there was nothing to be done.

This might be the time to mention that I had other problems which had gradually increased over time…frequent headaches, TMJ and jaw pain which radiated into the neck and shoulders.

So I found a new dentist to deal with the broken tooth. This dentist was not a holistic practioneer. However I had 5 fillings on the left side of my mouth that he felt needed replacement.

I let him talk me into replacing them with composite filllings…no special techniques ( the holistic types would claim that I had been poisoned by the removal, I’m sure )

Then the novacain wore off.

There was a drastic improvement in my long running health conditions, the sensitivity, TMJ and neck stiffness.

I called the dentist and made an appointment for the next day to change out rest of my fillings.

It cured me. Immediately. Overnight. No more headaches. No more TMJ. No more constant painful stiff neck. I could eat hot and cold food without pain for the first time in years.

My new dentist was a little puzzled and embarrassed by my reaction…he suggested that maybe I was just allergic to the old fillings.

And maybe he was right. I certainly wasn’t driven insame by the fillings and my symptoms were different than those claimed by the holistic crowd.

But to this day I am firmly convinced that having my amalgam fillings removed was the best health decision I have ever made.


No, water is toxic. About two gallons, if I recall aright, is the MLD. Oxygen is toxic, too, though I don’t know offhand of any practical way to deliver a lethal dose that would not involve substantial trauma in the delivery.

There is a key difference. Anything is ‘toxic’ if you overdose from it, even non-toxic things like water.

If you want to split that hair that’s fine: water, oxygen and everything on the face of the Earth are all “toxic”.

Both water and oxygen are necessary for us to live. Only in massive overdoses of them could they be considered toxic. Mercury starts out toxic in any quantity and the only question is how much of it’s toxicity will cause permanent damage. It is not necessary for us to eat or breathe mercury.

It is ridiculous to consider them all equally ‘toxic’ but just a question of degrees and quantity.

mercury is toxic in most forms. I am not exactly sure if the amalgrams are in the wrong form or not because there is so much conflicting evidence. I can’t understand why people don’t worry about the silver and gold antennas that are in close proximity of nerves within the head. We have a lot of radio waves and stray voltage out there and the fillings can pick up radio signals and convert them into frequencies that can possibly have an effect on our brainwaves. changing brainwaves causes changes in brain chemistry. Since all the metal is gone from my mouth my thinking is clearer and the headaches and sinus proplems have decreased. I cannot say that the fillings were definitely the cause because about the time I had them removed I also started studying food and changed my diet. I’ll take the clear mind and not question it. Too many changes at one time makes it hard to determine which one is causing the positive results.

Cite, please?

The electrical signal that comes from biting on a piece of aluminum foil is a reaction between the aluminum and the mercury that causes an electrical discharge. Since traces of aluminum are in almost all soil and are in some foods as a result, there would be a reaction on chewing the food. Mercury is a good conductor of electricity as is silver. Electricity/radio waves/vibrations/sounds are all forms of electrical energy. So what’s to cite on this knowledge? Aren’t the things you know real without being proven by others?

Lucille Ball maintained that her dental fillings once picked up wartime Japanese radio transmissions and that led to the (top secret and undocumented, of course) capture of Japanese spies, or a submarine or something. I can remember hearing her tell that story on a television show or interview at some point in my life years and years ago, and a quick Google found a bunch of references to it.

To this day the legend continues. Even in 2007 Snopes couldn’t debunk it. The story is told again in the Wikion Lucille Ball with a note that the entire premise was debunked by Mythbusters.

A tooth could become a battery of sorts this way, but I have a lot of batteries laying around and I don’t hear the radio on them. How would the radio waves be converted to sound simply due to the presence of electricity in someone’s mouth?

I doubt if you would be able to recognize the signals but the frequencies would probably be equivelent to that of a cell phone being close to the ear. Frequencies induce corresponding frequencies in things. they resonate. Our skull and other nerve sheaths along with our skin usually protect us from these energy waves, but the teeth are made of calcium with a porcelyn or dentin coating and these protect the nerve from stray voltage. If you keep you’re mouth shut all the time than you’re fiollings are protected better from any voltage. Our minds do have the ability to aclimate also and they constantly make up for things like this by learning to filter out or ignore things. After we are born our minds have to learn to ignore things as we adapt to them. We adapt to "normal " sounds as background sounds and don’t actually really hear them. That’s why you’re parents yelled at you once in a while and the reason we learned to hear and see only what we wanted to.

I do find many claims by many people that this happens to them, and precious little evidence to debunk it. The Mythbusters episode mentioned earlier is discussed here. A lot of people questioned their testing methods, and maintain steadfastly they hear the radio and sometimes can even identify the station they are hearing. The possibility that a crystal diode radio can be built in one’s mouth with fillings intrigues me, but I remain skeptical…

You would think that earings would conduct signals also but they are into cartiledge with very few nerve endings. That may be how you’re wife knows everything you’re saying or doing even when you’re not home. They hate places like vegas because all the lights and machines interfere with their signals. :slight_smile:

Is mercury still used? Just a few days ago I had a cavity filled. The dentist asked if I wanted a white filling which took longer of if it was okay with me if he just used silver. I told him I didn’t really care and if he wanted to use silver that was just fine with me. Honestly, I thought mercury was phased out a while ago. Personally, I’m not all that concerned about it, and I’m not going to ask him to change it, I’m not worried about old fillings (and IIRC a dentist can lose their license for replacing filing for no other reason then because they contain mercury) but if I knew they still contained it, I probably would have opted for white.

Cite for not removing mercury amalgam if it’s not causing any problems.

Huh? What now?

I thought vibrations were a form of mechanical energy. You know physical movement of the medium the wave is transmitted through.

Sorry, I should not have called it just energy. There is the energy of electrons movement or protons movement and they are different but the frequency generated have similar characteristics. Where did you find the name BunnyTVs