AMAZING photos of real deep creatures! Trust me - worth a look!

This is simply further proof that we must declare war on the sea and all that dwell within it immediately, if not sooner.

Y’know, Aquaman would get a lot better press if he called on some of these things, once in awhile. (If you could get around the fact that they’d, y’know, die if the water pressure got too light.)

Ok, well, I guess it’s dust baths for me from now on.

Now you know why you should never order the “chef’s surprise” chowder.

I dunno…I saw that fish and immediately thought “hey, it’s a dorkfish!”

I dunno…I saw that fish and immediately thought “hey, it’s a dorkfish! Dang, did he catch that thing with a corndog?”

Damn. There goes a good night’s sleep.

Oh good there’s a link to a dragonfish. They look scary, but they’re really neat: they have an organ under their eyes that emits deep red light, and their eyes contain a chlorophyll-like substance that enables them to see at those wavelengths. They literally hunt with a light that their prey is blind to. Oh yeah and then there’s the row of blue-green lights down each side of the fish’s body.

The firefly squid is another interesting creature as it holds the distinction of being the only mollusc known to be capable of seeing in color.

Cool pics; thanks for posting! :slight_smile:

Did anyone see this one?
Look carefully.


Yup, those photos are much creepier than anything linked in the OP.

Too bad it’s from a computer game. Put together very well though! :slight_smile:

It had me fooled for a full day. I thought it would have come up on the Dope by now.

I was wondering why my browser kept getting hijacked.

This fish from the Abyss website, actually looks like one of the ghost-like CGI creatues in the film of the same name.

Haha, so do I. :smiley:

They remind me of things I’ve seen for sale at the Chinese supermarkets around here, actually.

But I’m not serious either, so no worries.

Wow! This is such a cool site. Thanks for posting it!

Hey, umop ap!sdn–what’s the URL for the page that has links to all of Alex Korol’s photos of sea creatures? I liked the links you posted, so I went to Korol’s main site. But I can’t find a list of links or a page that easily lets me see all of his photos.

I’m really not sure. The links I posted are from the bottom of the post linked in astro’s OP; there’s about 8 or 10 of them there. Comcast seems to return its own custom message instead of a 404 screen when trying to retrieve a directory listing.

Do these creatures live in the Marians Trench?

How long have they lived there?

gothic ? Explain, please